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Water play outdoors

We had great fun exploring outdoors following the rainfall on Sunday night. It created the perfect opportunity for the children to learn lots of math! They worked together as a team using their own buckets to fill the biggest tub.

“WOW look at this GIANT puddle” Sophia

“It’s getting fuller and fuller” Lewis

“We are filling it up” Mazie

“Look a tiny puddle” Sophia

We will continue to explore measuring water in different ways helping us to extend our language.


Loose Part Play

Loose parts play is a type of play that supports invention, divergent thinking, problem solving and offers a sense of wonder to children. They are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart and put back together in multiple ways.

Thanks to our neighbours RICHMACK we have a very good start to our outdoor loose part collection. They kindly donated some loose part materials the children can use to be creative, develop their imagination and explore risk taking and assessing on their own.

Thank you very much.


Parent Participation

Can all our parents please become familiar with this board located across from the children’s coat pegs in nursery. You can find information on how to help develop learning at home with our ‘Try at Home’ page which you can help yourself to. There is also a donations board which will change regularly. Thank you. 

Session Times

We would just like to remind all parents of the new session times which are as stated below. Children must be collected by the end of the session time. If you are running late or cannot collect in time please phone ahead so we can make suitable arrangements for staff lunches/cover etc. Thank you for you cooperation. The Nursery team.

Morning session: 8am-12.45pm

Afternoon session: 1.15-6pm

Full Day sessions 8am-6pm

Snack Payments

For all those asking regarding snack payments and holidays, please see a detailed table below showing termly payments.

Thanks 🙂

Snack Payments

Term Sessional Price Non-Sessional price
Aug-Dec £25.50 £27
Jan – April £22.50 £25.50
May – July £12.00 £22.50
3 blocks set up on Ipay – Must separate payments as follows for Ipay Users

Snack in Nursery

Please see attached our snack menu for this week. Can we please remind all parents that children should not be sent to nursery with snacks or lunch bags, with the exception of the full day children, who should still continue to provide a lunch bag with food which does not require cooking or reheating. Snack costs £1.50 per week and the termly amounts can be found in the August newsletter. If you have any queries regarding this please speak to a member of staff. Thank you for your continued support. The Nursery Team. Snack Menu 19th Aug