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Dates for your Diary

Dear Parents/Carers

Here is a list of all events happening in nursery on the run up to Christmas.

Thursday 14th November – Children in Need – Crazy Hair Day

Monday 18th November – Library Launch

Thursday 28th November – St Andrews Day Celebration

Monday 16th December (Morning)  – Christmas Singalong Concert

Wednesday 18th December (Afternoon) – Christmas Singalong Concert

Thursday 19th December – Children’s Christmas Party

There will be more details regarding Christmas events to follow.

Thank you for your continued support


Winter Ready

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we all have noticed the weather is changing.  Can we ask that you bring your child to nursery with wellie boots on or be prepared to leave wellie boots at nursery; this makes it easier for children to still access outdoor play.
Children can bring hats, scarves and gloves and their key worker will
help them to get these on for outdoor play.

Please remember to LABEL all belongings this helps to ensure things aren’t lost or taken home by another child accidentally.

Thank you for your continued support.


Halloween Activities Outdoors

 “I’ve never seen a green pumpkin before” -Ayla

“This one is bumpy”-Harry

 “It is cold” -Kiera

 “This pumpkin is heavy”- Mazie  “This pumpkin is big and round” -Conor

On Monday the morning and afternoon children explored pumpkins of different sizes. They also explored other root vegetables like squash!  They worked together to scoop out the inside of one of the pumpkins, exploring the contents. The children in the afternoon helped to turn an acorn squash into a bird feeder for our garden.

On Tuesday the children have enjoyed exploring a sensory set up.

“ohhh Mrs Bett this is yucky and fluffy” -Hannah

Busy chefs at snack

Over the past couple of weeks the children have enjoyed helping to prepare snack. This has sparked lots of conversations and opportunities for learning all about food and where it comes from.

Miss Wilkins and the children prepared pizza together, chopping different vegetables and choosing toppings. They discussed what foods are healthy.

The children visited the nursery orchard before making delicious apple crumble to see how apples grow and through the baking experience with Mrs Bett they have learnt apples can be eaten in different ways!

We have recently planted some of our own herbs and vegetables in our greenhouse, which we hope will grow over Winter to help us make new snacks in the new year. We are learning all about being sustainable and growing our own food, helping to reduce waste.

Learner’s Journey’s Workshop

Miss Robertson hopes to run a quick session for parents to show you the basics of accessing your child’s observations and how to contribute to their Learning Journal from home.

This will be on Thursday 24th October at 12.15 for the morning parents and 1.30 for the afternoon parents.

If you are interested in attending could you please sign up on the sheet across from the reception desk.  It would also be handy if you could bring along a mobile device with access to the Learning Journal site, but not to worry if you cant as iPad’s can be provided.

Orange and Lemon juice

On Monday we had some lemons, potatoes and carrots in the home area. “I want to make lemon juice” said Leo. This sparked the question of how can we make lemon juice? What do we need? We discussed this and decided to gather our knifes and chopping boards. The children enjoyed discovering how to break through the skin of the lemon and squeeze the juice out. “Can we make orange juice too?” Sonny asked? We compared the two fruits and how much juice came from them. There was lots of discovering how to cut, what way is best to open the fruit up and get the juice out. This interest has continued and we now have a cutting station in the home area to further develop the children’s understanding about fruit and vegetables.

 “Squeeze”  “Its spicy”-Jazmin  “This is hard”- Kalyn

 “I can do it!”-Leo

“Squeeze! This has loads of juice”-Tilly

“The orange is more because the orange is bigger than the lemon”- Sonny