Dates for your Diary

Dear Parents/Carers

Here is a list of all events happening in nursery on the run up to Christmas.

Thursday 14th November – Children in Need – Crazy Hair Day

Monday 18th November – Library Launch

Thursday 28th November – St Andrews Day Celebration

Monday 16th December (Morning)  – Christmas Singalong Concert

Wednesday 18th December (Afternoon) – Christmas Singalong Concert

Thursday 19th December – Children’s Christmas Party

There will be more details regarding Christmas events to follow.

Thank you for your continued support


Winter Ready

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we all have noticed the weather is changing.  Can we ask that you bring your child to nursery with wellie boots on or be prepared to leave wellie boots at nursery; this makes it easier for children to still access outdoor play.
Children can bring hats, scarves and gloves and their key worker will
help them to get these on for outdoor play.

Please remember to LABEL all belongings this helps to ensure things aren’t lost or taken home by another child accidentally.

Thank you for your continued support.