Lots of Learning

There has been lots of learning happening this week in nursery with lots of different interests.

The children’s interest continues to be in risky play and self assessing risks. We have helped them further develop these skills by bringing in the tool bench and developing a real tool area within the rainbow room.

The children in the snack room noticed there were some vegetables on display. This sparked an interesting discussion about where food comes from. Miss Reid is going to make vegetable soup next week using some of the vegetables from our garden to further develop the children’s knowledge about growing our own.

Outdoors the children have been creative, using natural materials in the garden environment to create their artwork.

They have been responsible in looking after the garden flowers.

Our new loose parts area is proving very popular, there have been many creations build. Here are some pictures of a horse someone built, including the saddle, tail and reins.

There has been lots of building and climbing using a selection of different materials. Our new tyres have been a great addition! Thanks again Cameron’s Mum!

We look forward to next weeks developments.



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