A lovely Autumn morning

Last week the children were looking for leaves to use in the nursery mud kitchen and gluing area. Yesterday they took a walk to the local park and forest area to explore our local environment and see if they could spot any signs of Autumn.

 “Look a leaf”-Sonny  “I found a stick”-Bethany

“The tree feels soft” The children found moss growing over the tree and talked about textures.


Whats taller, the stick or the tree?

The children found a shape in the tree that looked like a door. “That’s where the Faries live”-Tilly.

When the children returned to nursery they brought their bag of leaves, sticks and a few conkers they had found. We looked at the pictures on the big screen and discussed their experience. This gave the children who didn’t attend the walk an opportunity to listen, discuss and revisit their learning from home or from their previous year at nursery.

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