Upcoming Events


Upcoming Events

Monday 24th June – Moving on Ceremony, 2 adults per child
 Times:  10:15am & 2:15pm
If your child attends on a full day basis please can you let us know if you can and which session you will be attending.

Thursday 27th June – Children’s Summer Party during nursery session.
Times:  9.00 – 11.00 & 12:30 – 2.30
Drop off and pick up times are as normal for children on this day, children can wear party/summer clothes.


Any questions, please ask any member of staff for more information.
Thank you!

Sports Day

We had a super turn out for our cold and windy sports day this morning. Thank you to all the parents who came along to support their children and to those who joined in the races.

We are gearing up for our afternoon sports day and hoping the rain stays away. Please bring along your running shoes for the toddlers, Dad’s and Mum’s races. See you there!





Music Group

The boys and girls have been very lucky to have had a music specialist been visiting for the past 4 weeks. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about music and the different types of instruments.

Today the music man took us on a special musical journey learning all about music and stories. We learned there’s different types of music in stories which makes us feel different things. We heard slow sad music and fast scary music. During our story we learned about a Lion and a Mouse, had to guess which instruments matched each animal and learned to play the instruments throughout the story. It’s been lovely having the music man.