Choo Choo Choo Tuesday!

On Tuesday the children had great fun outdoors.
We played on the grass side of the garden where there was lots of helping others, working together, turn taking and overcoming obstacles. We even had a picnic snack outside, fingers crossed the good weather keeps up.

On the other side of the garden, Mr Reynolds (Harry’s Dad) was busy helping with outdoor developments. He covered the poly tunnel and pinned it safely into the grass so we can use this space as a construction area and explore woodwork with the workbench. He also made a fantastic train for the children to extend their imaginative play by using some old nursery chairs, a cable reel and a wooden pallet.

We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to Harry’s Dad for giving up his free time to help the nursery.

If anyone else would like to be involved or has contacts that can donate reels or pallets to the nursery please speak to a member of staff.

Thank you.