‘There’s a tiny caterpillar in a tub, wiggle-wiggle…’

Our caterpillars are growing at quite a pace and some of them have already begun to spin…the children are enjoying learning about the lifecycle and are especially interested to see the changes on a Monday, after the weekend. Watch this space as we post our pictures!

One thought on “‘There’s a tiny caterpillar in a tub, wiggle-wiggle…’”

  1. Hi Boys and Girls,

    I saw the caterpillars when I was in the nursery on Monday and they were very still! I hope that you won’t have to wait too long before they become butterflies and you can let them go in the nursery garden. I’m looking forward to seeing more pictures soon.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you all as Happy Birds tomorrow morning at the Procession Day parade.

    Miss Henderson

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