Meldrum Primary School Blog

December 19, 2018
by Mrs Brown

Reverse Advent Calendar

Well done to all our classes who have counted down to Christmas by bringing in items for West Lothian Foodbank.

You can see from their faces how heavy those boxes are now!

We will pass on these gifts and the children’s smiles and hope they bring some Christmas cheer to other families.




Many thanks for all the donations.

December 14, 2018
by Mrs Stephenson

Cluster Brass Band Award


Two of our fabulous brass players attended the Scottish Brass Championships over last weekend.  During this competition, Megan and Kyle, both from P6, won a Gold Award, beating a number of older brass players from across Scotland!   I am sure you will all join me in congratulating them on this wonderful achievement!

November 28, 2018
by Miss Canning

Primary 6 are botanists

Primary 6 are safety specialists! They have designed their own risk assessment and go through a rigorous check before approaching the science station.

They have designed an experiment to test the affect of fertilizer (household name) on plant growth. Using math and science skills, they are measuring length, volume and concentration and converting units. They are recording results in a table and will use their ICT skills to create a decimal line graph.

Plant C appears to be in the lead at the moment……….

November 23, 2018
by Mrs Orpin

A busy crammed week for Primary 7

Can you believe Primary 7 made a book with only one sheet of paper! These books were used as fact files which we packed with interesting information about renewable and non renewable sources of energy. In addition we now know how to shop on Black Friday thanks to our learning about percentages and Mrs Orpin’s happy socks! This week we were practising Scottish Country Dancing with Primary 6 and danced our socks off to the Gay Gordons. In drama we created amazing freeze frames about inclusion and exclusion which highlighted the importance of including everyone. We will keep you updated on all the exciting activities next week in Primary 7.

(contributions from P7 news reporters)

Posted by P7 IT team

November 12, 2018
by Mrs Orpin

Transition morning at DCHS

Last Friday P7 went to Deans Community High School. We were introduced to Mrs Hope, the head of S1/2. We were told lots of information about the school. We found out that there are 3 houses: Dechmont, Houston and Cairnpapple. One of the teachers we met, Mr Gray, is the head of Houston and he said ‘Houston is the best house!!’
We are not sure about this because some of us met Miss Thompson and she said ‘Cairnpapple is best’
while Miss Clark said ‘You want to be in Dechmont. It is best’
We will wait and see!! We talked about the Well being Indicators. We knew about this so we could give some examples.

Posted by P7 IT team.

November 9, 2018
by Miss Canning

Remembrance Assembly

Primary 6 have been practicing their assembly for Remembrance Day.

This morning the pupils performed to perfection! We had solo singing from Darcy, Emma, Taine, Lucy, Kyle R, Steven and Sophie T. We had a brass soloist Kyle W performing the last post. And we had a poetry reading from Morgan, Brook Mc and Ayesha.

I am very proud of the pupils who took part in organising and performing in the assembly. Well done Primary 6!!!

Thank you parents and family for your kind feedback.

Maria, Michal, Brooke and Lewis have been selling poppies all week for remembrance.

November 2, 2018
by Mrs Orpin

Planet Soccer

Primary 7 enjoyed their time with Planet Soccer this week. We did lots of fun activities where we practised our technique and played games. We ‘never gave up‘. We showed great sportsmanship and worked well as part of a team.

posted by P7 I.T. team.

September 4, 2018
by User deactivated

Author Visit

The children were all delighted to have Stuart Reid visit the school today. They laughed, shouted and squealed their way through his assembly as he told us about his hilarious characters, in particular the main one – Gorgeous George.  Stuart also read excerpts from his novels and had the children asking for more. He then went on to do workshops with different classes and is returning tomorrow to do more. Thanks Stuart, I am sure you will have encouraged many children to read and to want to write their own stories.

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