Meldrum Primary School Blog

March 21, 2019
by Miss Ross


Primary 4 have really enjoyed participating in Futsal sessions. They have learned lots of new skills. 

March 8, 2019
by Mrs Brown

Lowport March 19

Wow! Some of our senior pupils challenged themselves trying new activities at Lowport.

It was very wet outside for some activities!

Escaping from the quicksand! (Only joking!)

Lunch on the rocks. Glad Rhona brought hot chocolate and soup for us.

Searching the beach.

Skills and bravery on show!

Excellent team work.

March 8, 2019
by Mrs Brown

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day by bringing in our favourite books to share in class.

Some people dressed up. Here are some of our older pupils.

Primary 5 also enjoyed making their own books with help from our Reading Ambassadors.


February 22, 2019
by Miss Canning

P6 New Lanark Trip

We traveled to New Lanark yesterday as part of our topic ‘Work & Play – The Victorian Way’.

Whilst there we toured some historic mills and found out more about an extremely important man Robert Owen.

We saw some beautiful sites, participated in a Victorian classroom reenactment, and even enjoyed a ride on a ghost trail!

Thank you again Primary 6 for being a credit to Meldrum Primary School!

February 14, 2019
by Miss Ross

Health and Wellbeing -Primary 4 have been learning about discrimination.

Primary 4 have been learning about discrimination and equality.

  • demonstrate respect for difference 
  • know the meaning of the word ‘discrimination’
  • know that it is wrong to treat someone different because they are different 

For this task we focussed on gender (the class did not know the focus at this point). Poppy and Cole were 2 of the pupils who volunteered and were chosen for the task. Both pupils were asked to do the same task (put cones in one tub and spheres in the other). After the task was complete Cole was given 9 sheets of raffle tickets and Poppy was given 1 sheet as a reward. Both of them looked a little confused as did the rest of the class…

‘But that’s not fair, he has more’

‘They did the same thing’

‘Did he pick up more?’

‘Is that why he got more raffles?’

I told the class the only reason Cole got more raffle tickets was because he was a boy.

‘What? why?’

‘I dont think thats very fair’

‘Neither do i’

‘We did the same thing though’

‘No one did a better job they were the same’

Cole- ‘But i think i should give some of mine to Poppy’

The class all agreed that they should have been given an equal reward for completing the same task. Cole gave Poppy 4 sheets of his raffles so they both had 5 each. We then came up with a definition for discrimination. The class also came up with other super examples of discrimination. Discrimination is unfair treatment of a person or group of people. In this case the different treatment is because of the person’s gender.

January 28, 2019
by User deactivated

Health & Wellbeing – Discrimination

Primary 5 have been learning about discrimination.

We started off with a circle time and some thought provoking questions. We discussed our own experiences and worked out what we thought was and was not discrimination.


Later on in the week we made up drama sketches exploring discrimination and asked another group their thoughts on how they interpreted our drama. Primary 5 reflected and some children wrote a comment, with a partner, explaining how they felt about the subject.


January 25, 2019
by Miss Canning

P6 Big Breakfast

Primary 6 had a great time at their Big Breakfast! There were lots of active activities for pupils to share their learning and of course the pancakes and pastries!

Thank you to all the parents/carers who could make it along. The pupils enjoyed showing you what they have been learning in class, and they loved the parents playing ‘Touch-down’!! Thanks again for participating in the games and making it such a positive experience.

January 11, 2019
by Mrs Orpin

Happy New Year

P7 barely escaped with their lives!
This week (on Thursday) Primary Seven visited ‘The Risk Factory’ to see what risks we might have at some point in our lives. There were twelve different rooms with lots of dangers which we had to identify and discuss with our groups. Probably one of the most popular rooms was the fire room. People liked it because it was one of the most active situations! Our tour guides did a fantastic job talking to us, also explaining how we could prevent accidents from happening. We also pretended to make emergency calls.
Did all of us make it out?…
Composed by Holly
Posted by Fraser

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