Meldrum Primary School Blog

December 20, 2017
by User deactivated

P2/3 Book at Bedtime

Mrs MacDonald visits to present Bronze Certificates for reading 25 books to Stacey and Mitchel.


Silver Certificates to a proud Lily and Declan.

Gold Certificates presented by Mrs Clark to Daniel and Lewis W, another 25 books read at bedtime.


Charlie receives his Teacher’s Certificate, well done.


Mrs Russell is delighted to present Ryan and Isla with their Head Teacher’s Certificates.


December 15, 2017
by Mrs Russell

Dance Assembly

What a fantastic performance from our dance group this morning.  Our pupils loved showing off the dance moves that they have been learning at our after school club.   Well done everyone!

A big thank you to Alanna from Nu Moves for leading our club.

Artists of the Future

December 7, 2017 by Mrs Russell | 0 comments

‘Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.’  Edgar Degas

What a fantasic Art Assembly in Meldrum Primary last week.  All classes shared the emotions that they had been learning about through famous works of Art.



This gallery contains 22 photos

Amazing Emotion Works Art Afternoon..!

November 30, 2017 by Mrs Russell | 0 comments

The whole school were busy drawing and painting on Tuesday afternoon.  Each class looked at a different artist and the emotions presented in their work.  The emotions included sad, happy, tired, angry and jealous.

Everyone had great fun and will be sharing their work at our Emotion Works Art assembly on Friday.

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Heroes and Villains in the Usher Hall

November 28, 2017 by Mrs Russell | 0 comments

Primary 5 enjoyed a fantastic concert by the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) in the Usher Hall.  They were treated to a performance that included music from Mozart’s Opera to Star Wars and also Minecraft.

Primary 5 thought it was ‘amazing’ and ‘brilliant’.

This gallery contains 3 photos

November 27, 2017
by User deactivated

P2/3 Book at Bedtime

P2/3 seem to be in the habitat now of reading books at bedtime.  Mrs Russell was impressed with Rudi because his total now stands at 125 books read at bedtime. She presented the first ‘Head Teacher’s Certificate’.

Callan and Isla were happy to receive their ‘Teacher’s Certificate’.

Mrs Laing presents ‘Gold Certificates’ to Cooper, Ryan and Charlie.


Mrs Clark visited again to present silver to Daniel, Lewis and Jack.


Thanks Mrs MacDonald for presenting Mackenzie with his ‘Bronze Certificate’.


November 13, 2017
by User deactivated

P2/3 Book at Bedtime

P2/3 continue to enjoy their bedtime books.  Well done Cameron on receiving your Silver Certificate and Gold for Billy, Callan and Isla.


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