Meldrum Primary School Blog

March 21, 2018
by Mrs Stewart

The Big Battery Hunt

We are doing well collecting old batteries for recycling. Already we have sent one full container off to the recycling plant and we are waiting for a new container to arrive. You have until the end of April to send in batteries to be in with a chance of winning some prizes. We will however be keeping the collection container so after this date you can keep recycling batteries at the school.

March 20, 2018
by Mrs Stewart

Earth Hour

This Saturday (24th March), at 8.30pm, we are asking you to take part in Earth Hour. Across the world millions of people will be switching their lights off for one hour as a symbol of their commitment to making personal changes to help the environment and to save energy at the same time. Primary 4 have made posters to remind us about Earth Hour and they have put them up around the school. Please take part if you can. Switch your lights off for one hour and use it as a time to do something different. You could read or play a game by candlelight or tell spooky stories around a campfire. Most importantly think of one thing that you could do from now on to help the environment. We can all make a difference.

March 12, 2018
by User deactivated

Primary 3 Trying to Keep the Environment Clean

Primary 3 were out and about today picking up litter dropped in the school and on the paths outside the school. They were helped earlier today by Primary 1, Primary 1/2 and Primary 2/3.

Everyone was surprised at how much rubbish was found on the perimeter paths surrounding the school.

February 28, 2018
by User deactivated

Primary 3 Snow Day

Primary 3 remember to try the activities for Snow Day. You can also continue reading your class reading book or your library book. Or why not get onto Sumdog and see how much you can improve your score.

Cubes – practise adding and subtracting from 3 digit numbers.

Cuboids – how good can you get at those number bonds to 20?

Have fun in the snow too. Practice writing your spelling in the snow. Build a snowman and post a photograph on here.

February 26, 2018
by User deactivated

Viking Costume P2/3

We have been learning about the Vikings in P2/3 and were delighted to look at a Viking Costume.  We know that the Vikings didn’t really have horns on their helmets!

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