What a great week we had during Meldrum Book Week! All classes were reading lots of new books and learning about different authors. At our assembly on the Friday we shared all the things that we had learned including pictures, poems and songs.
Thank you to the parents of Primary 1, 2 and 3 pupils who came into school to read with the children. It is great to see the library being used and we will be repeating these opportunities in the future.
During book week we had competitions in each class. Primary 1 – 3 drew their favourite book character, Primary 4 and 5 wrote a book review of their favourite book and Primary 6 and 7 designed posters to share information about using the library. The winners won a book token that they can spend when the book fair comes to school next week. Well done everyone for taking part!
The winners are:
Primary 1: Lori
Primary 2: Abdullah
Primary 2/3: Ava
Primary 3: Jake
Primary 4: Morgan
Primary 5: Murren
Primary 6: Scott
Primary 7: Morgan