Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School

November 28, 2019
by Ms Pilmer
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We have had a fabulous week in IEYC.  We have been learning about ourselves.  Talking about what colour of eyes and hair we have and our heights.  We have made a bar chart and a pie chart to show our findings.

We have continued to create obstacle courses in the garden and in the construction area.  As a group we are learning to share, co-operate and take turns.

Another example of brilliant team work and perseverance taking place this week was in the local woods a group of children worked together to make a den.   The following day the children asked if they could take snack to their den in the woods.

November 25, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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NURSERY WORDBOOST words for this week are revision of the previous two:

astonished  brave   creature    creep    search  lonely   gaze   tumble


We are in week 3 of Box Clever, action words:

IEYC :The Three Little Pigs

build    huff and puff   blow   run  climb   creep   burn   carry

LNS: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

walk  run  taste   eat   sit   break  climb   lie   sleep   growl

November 18, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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WORDBOOST words for this week:

search   gaze   lonely    tumble


Box clever words for Ladywell

Goldilocks, describing words

big  medium  small  hot  cold   salty   sweet    hard   soft    high   low



The Three Little Pigs, describing words

beautiful   big   little  strong   weak  brave  hot  angry


November 14, 2019
by Ms Pilmer
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Outdoors in the garden and in the woods it has been very cold.  The children have been experimenting with the ice they found and we have been learning about freezing and melting.

The children have continued to enjoy various colour mixing activities.

Some children have brought in photographs of themselves when they were babies and this has led to discussion about how we grow and develop.  We have displayed the photographs and it would be great if we got some more.

Our parents group is well underway but we are still looking for more of you to join us for tea, coffee and toast.

November 11, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Box Clever

Both nurseries are using a traditional tale as their focus for Box Clever words for the next three weeks.


At Inveralmond it is The Three Little Pigs and the focus words are,

Week one, naming: pigs   mother    wolf  house    straw   wood  bricks   roof    chimney     fire

Week two, describing: beautiful   big   little  strong   weak   hot   angry   frightened

Week three, actions: build    huff and puff   blow   run  climb   creep   burn   carry


At Ladywell it is Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the focus words are,

Week one, naming: house   bears   girl  Goldilocks   table   bowl   porridge   spoon   chair   bed

Week two, describing: big   medium   small   hot  cold   salty   sweet    hard   soft    high   low

Week three, actions:  walk   run   taste    eat    sit    break    climb   lie   sleep   growl


Box clever is an approach designed to support children develop their knowledge of vocabulary.




November 11, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Word Boost

WordBboost has been started at  both Inveralmond and Ladywell this week.

WordBoost is an approach designed to support vocabulary development by highlighting four BOOST words from a story, explaining what they mean and then using them as much as possible throughout the nursery and at home.

The first story is The Selfish Crocodile by Faustin Charles and the BOOST words are:

astonished   brave    creature    creep


November 4, 2019
by Ms Pilmer
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Some of the children took the bus to the Pets at home and we bought fish for our tank.  This was a great experience.  The children and staff enjoyed the bus journey and liked looking at the animals that were in the pet shop.

Meanwhile back in the Nursery there has been lots of role play with babies.   We are learning what we need to do when looking after a baby.  Lots of children sharing their own experiences with the staff and their friends.  We have set up a sewing area in the Nursery.  Children are working hard developing fine motor skills and their creativity.


Our parents group is now underway and was quite well attended.  We will be offering Tea, Coffee and Toast at the group which will continue to run on a Wednesday a 11.30am and 1.30pm.

November 1, 2019
by User deactivated
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Ladywell Nursery School

The children had the opportunity to take part in a variety of Halloween activities throughout nursery this week. They enjoyed scooping out the inside of the pumpkin and made pumpkin soup for snack.  They made pumpkin collages using different materials and were also keen to take part in the bobbing for apples outdoors where lots of fun was had!

The children have been enjoying the experience of going out on autumn walks around the community.   They were encouraged to follow the rules of how to cross a road safely, following instructions and encouraging good listening.  We had discussions about what the children knew about the change of seasons and the weather. The children collected branches, conkers and leaves for our autumn display where they further investigated them. We also stopped and looked at environmental print on signs and numbers on cars and bins.













October 28, 2019
by Ms Crichton
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Our rhyme of the week is:

Horsey Horsey Don’t you Stop

Don’t worry if you don’t know the tune, just enjoy the words!

Follow the link below:

Horsey horsey

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