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Primary 1a – Maths week

We have been very busy this week in P1a. It is Maths Week so we played number tig in PE. When we got caught we had to make a number pattern with our fingers and our friend had to say the number to free us. We also enjoyed our number hunt.


Have a look at our new SWAY all about our work in literacy

Colourful Consonants
Go to this Sway


Here is the link to our maths week photography competition. Which one is your favourite?

Maths Week 2019
Go to this Sway

P6 Blog by the Area 51 group

This week we had been doing alot stations in maths to practise our numeracy skills after our summer holidays. One of our stations was a sum dog competition and another one was math games, last we did emoji multiplication mosaic. (Finlay)

We also got introduced to our new topic which is Europe. We did our Single Word Spelling Test (SWST) and we also did science with Mrs Gorman. {Cooper}

We also wrote an imaginative story about eight magical doors where we chose one to go through to an unknown land! (Paige)

In topic we did art. In this we made flags and we put bridges and towers in the background! Look out for these when up in the dining hall at the coffee morning later this month (Elissa)