West Lothian Educational Psychology Telephone Service

West Lothian Educational Psychology Telephone Service

Telephone consultation service during school closure period
For: Parents/carers, school staff, young people and other agencies seeking support & advice to improve the wellbeing and educational outcomes for our children and young people at this difficult time.

Monday – Friday: 9.00am to 3.30pm


Call: 01506 283130 to leave a message
with your details (name, number, school
etc.) and one of our psychologists will
call you back.

Or, you can e-mail us at: ed.psych@westlothian.gov.uk

Corona virus – helpful resources can also be found on our webpage:


Online reading books

Good afternoon primary 2,

I have set up an account on Get Epic where there are lots of reading books available to read and audio books as well.

To get access go to www.getepic.com and type in deu6472 for the classroom code. Hope you enjoy reading some new books.

Miss Graham