Category Archives: Uncategorized

Egyptian Amulets

Primary 7/6 researched lucky charms that Egyptians used to take with them to the afterlife. After choosing a lucky charm pupils made an information card about it. This week we are going to make the amulets using salt dough. Hopefully when they are finished you will see some pictures on glow.

Welcome Primary 3/2!

You have all made a fantastic start to the new school year! This is my first time blogging in Eastertoun Primary School and we are going to use this blog for documenting our work and progress throughout the year!

Also on this site look for the ‘snow’ tag where there will be snow activities for you all to do if the school is closed because of bad weather!!!!

Primary 7/6 log back onto glow

Primary 7/6 have got new passwords and are ready to start using our school blog again. As part of our laptop time pupils have been asked to log onto glow and leave a comment below about what they have enjoyed so far this year in P7/6. Miss Weston is looking forward to reading their comments.

P7/6 Assembly

Ancient Egypt Assembly
P7/6 have been working hard on their class assembly which will take place on Friday 23 November 2012. They cannot wait to show everyone what they have been learning in class and show off their wonderful acting and singing talents. Hopefully we will have some pictures to show you after our performance.

Miss Weston and P7/6

Eco Club Competition

There are going to be lots of fun competitions for P1-P3 and P4-7. The first one for P1-3 is a competition colouring in a litter picture and for P4-P7 you have to design a litter bug and name it. The best one would go on the back of a bin and the winner will receive a prize worth £10. Good Luck!

By Sharrie, Samantha and Rachel.

Eco Club

The Eco club have been learning about the 3 main priorities. These are litter, energy and the playground environment. We are looking for more people to do litter picking in the school and for more people to join the club. A group will be going around the school asking people if they would like to do it.
For the playground environment we are hoping that people will not drop their litter and waste the playground. We are hoping to get the green flag for the school. Finally there is saving energy so please turn off the light and smart boards when you’re finished with them and don’t waste electricity.

P6/5 Poetry Writing

In P6/5 this term we have been writing a variety of Senses Poems about Autumn, Hallowe’en and Guy Fawkes Night. We are trying to tell our friends about our experiences of these fun times as well as using similes, metaphors, alliteration, personification, alliteration and onomatopoeia to make our poems really intereting!

Kingswood Update

Dear Parents/Carers/Pupils/Staff of Eastertoun

Greetings from glorious Kingswood!

It has been another scorcher here in Kingswood and everybody is having a wonderful time. Most people went to sleep really quickly last night although we had a few night owls! After a whole day in the sun today I am sure everyone will be ready for their beds later tonight. We’ve had a brilliant lunch of meatballs, pasta, baked potatoes, pasties and salad and although it is only 4pm we are all looking forward to our tea!

Mr Bennett and Miss McTiernan have been on the 3G swing (although Mr Bennett managed to go slightly higher than Miss McT) and all of the children have been enjoying this activity as well as zip wire, leap of faith and nightline.

We are looking forward to our campfire this evening with some wonderful songs and jokes to share with all.

Will hopefully find time in our packed schedule to update you again tomorrow!

Hope sports week is going well and we will look forward to seeing you soon!

Miss McTiernan, Mr Bennett, Miss Thomas Miss Weston and the P7 Campers!


Greetings to all parents/carers

We have all arrived safely in sunny Kingswood with a very enjoyable journey on the way down. All children have now made their beds (some more successfully than others) and are currently on the tour of the centre.

We are all looking forward to getting cracking on some activities later this afternoon as well as our dinner at 6.30pm.

We will try to update later in the week.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Miss McTiernan, Miss Weston, Mr Bennett and Miss Thomas and all P7 pupils

Eastertoun PS – Rights Respecting School

The Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos. A rights-respecting school not only teaches about children’s rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between teachers / adults and pupils, between adults and between pupils.

At Eastertoun Primary School we were thrilled to receive our “Recognition of Commitment” certificate which is the first step on our journey towards becoming a Rights Respecting School.

In school we are currently raising awareness of children’s rights and responsibilites as highlighted in the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. Children have been engaged in a variety of activities in class and in whole school assemblies.

Over the next few weeks you will see updates on our blog and look out for our new display in school. You will also begin to see references to the various articles from the UN Convention of the Child in various displays around school.

p4/3 Romans

P4/3 have been working hard since the beginning of this term on their Roman topic. They can tell you where the Romans came from and why they came to Britain.  They can also tell you how the travelled overland and in galleys and all about Boudicca and the revolt she lead. They are currently learning about the Roman army, famous roman emperors and are beginning their model chariots this week.

P5/4 9 February

This week’s special person is Rhiannon.We are looking forward to having Stuart Reid visit us. We think his book is really amusing. We made scones when we were investigating irreversible changes in materials. They were yummy. We enjoyed the visit from a member of the SSPCA. She told us how to look after our pets. We also made hot air balloons.

P.2/1’s Junkosaurus’

P.2/1 had a super time working as a team to make their very successful Junkosaurus’.
The children presented their Junkosaurus’ to each other and explained how they made it and what they used to make it. Take a look at our pictures!
Well done P.2/1!           



We are lsuccessfullyearning how to write letters and there were lots of star writers this week.
We are really excited because we have started a new topic about Tudor Times.It was Devon’s Special Day this week.
We are all learning Scottish poems.

It is a New Year

P4/3 came back last week in high spirits. It appears Santa was very good to them all. After wishing each other a Happy New Year they settled down to work really hard the rest of that week and this.

Their topic this term is THE ROMANS and they learned all about Romulus and Remus. They wrote the story of them in their writing jotters which was not easy because there are lots of versions of the story. Rory has excelled himself this week by working on problems all about money. The teacher thinks he will grow up to be an accountant. Poems to learn were given to the class in memory of Robert Burns. The children heard all about his early life and have completed a wee workbook on him. Next week they will add narratives to the workbook during handwriting lessons. The Pencils Maths Group learned all about Tens and Units and did very well for a first attempt. The teacher is dead chuffed with the P4 boys who have been learning to add and subtract Hundreds Tens and Units. They are on fire! The Rulers continue to learn their tables and everyone is trying to beat Ryan Mallin who is excellent at them! In Reading the whole class are learning to explain the resoning of punctuation in any piece of writing. The children completed their Babushka dolls and took them home. Parents seemed to like the dolls and Finlay’s wee sister thought it was a real one! Next week the children will make laurel wreaths in their Roman topic and research why they are doing so on the web during laptop time on Monday morning.