Category Archives: Sports and Clubs

Our New P.E Hall

Our New Hall

At Strathyre School we now have a big P.E hall. We used to have to go to Lochearnhead hall to do our P.E every Monday and now we don’t. Our new hall is very big. We do P.E two times a week in it and if it is wet playtimes we go in there and we can either play a game or sport organised by Mrs Keenan, play board games or sit and chat. The school kitchen is in there as well so we get our lunches in there on special tables that fold up and get put in the cupboard after we have eaten. We have lots of new equipment for P.E and class one have been learning hockey with Mr Martin. We now know how to pass, tackle and dribble.  It is great having so much space.

Tristan Kett
