Headteacher’s Welcome


I hope you find our website useful. However, please feel free to make an appointment to come to see the school and meet the staff and pupils if you require further information.

We are always happy to show you around our lovely school which we are very proud of.

I have a dual role as Headteacher of Killin and Crianlarich Primary Schools. If you need to contact me at Killin Primary and I am not in the school that day, please ask a member of staff to contact me with your details.

Killin and Crianlarich have Principal Teachers. They are responsible for the learning, teaching, safety and wellbeing of all pupils in my absence.

To ensure that parents are involved in the school as partners in their child’s education we have a Parent Partnership Group, Parents’ Evenings and other school events.

Our vision for the children at Killin Primary School is to provide opportunities to enable them to be healthy, happy, confident and achieve their full potential in a safe and caring environment. We believe that everyone in the school community has a role to play in this vision, and we look forward to building on partnerships with parents, the local community and local businesses as well as other agencies that help support the development of our children’s education.

At Killin Primary School the agreed set of core School Values are Respect, Honesty, Kindness

We look forward to working with you to give your child a very enjoyable primary school experience.

Mr Pete Waugh

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