All posts by Ms Jones

P2J Making Mobiles

We used saws to cut wood for our mobiles.  We measured the length of them using our hands.  They were two hands long.

Then we used a circle to make the bodies and the wings of our birds.  We cut each circle in half to make two  semi-circles.  We used a triangle shape to cut the tails of our birds.

Tying the wool to the birds was tricky, we persevered and managed to tie the knots.

Look at all our lovely mobiles!

P2J Learning about Habitats

Natasha, Alexander and Anna saw spiders on the tree in the wildlife garden.

Haris, Zoe, Sofia and Jamie saw two earwigs, one baby slug and three ants on the wood in the Christmas tree forest.

When we came inside we recorded what we had found out about the habitats we had looked at.


We made a class poster about all the different habitats and the creatures we had found in the school grounds.

We learned a lot about the sorts of places different creatures like.


P2J Outdoor Learning

We have learned how to use a saw safely.

We have learned how to use a drill safely.

Our partner was the clamp and we worked together.

We made a display by threading and tying string to the wood we had sawn and drilled.

We are very pleased with what we have made.

P2J Outdoor Learning

We went for a walk and learned the names of lots of  plants, like dock, clover, dandelion, daisy, hawthorn, rhododendron, nettle and daffodil.  We learned how to recognise them.

We have learned that a leaf is not just a leaf!  They all look different.  We learned  that some are called simple leaves (they have a very smooth edge), some compound (lots of leaves on one stalk), some serrated (have little teeth round the edge) and some lanceolate (look a bit like a lance).

We collected leaves from each group, we were careful not to damage plants.

In our groups we sorted the leaves according to the groups we had learned about and then as a group decided which one was the best example.

We stuck our leaves and labelled their type on the sheets of paper.

We went for a walk around the school grounds and learned how to tell if a blossom tree was cherry or apple.  We learned how to recognise a horse chestnut tree, a sycamore tree, a silver birch tree and a fir tree.


P2J Making and Reading Maps

We tried to make our maps easier to follow than the ones we drew last week.

We labelled landmarks so that our friends could see which way up they were.

We wrote directions L for go left and R for go right.

We wrote F if we wanted the group reading our map to go forward.

Some maps were really easy to follow because they were clear.



Some maps were quite complicated and so harder to follow.


We had lots of fun drawing our maps and using them outside.



The chicken had gone so we guess she found her way home!

P2J Drawing and Reading Maps

Some people drew landmarks and that made it easier to see what way up the map should go.

It was easier to follow a big map.  The small maps were quite hard to read.

Zoe and Anna will draw and label some landmarks next time so that people reading it hold it the right way up!

Olly and Lucas drew a very clear map, they will put a heading so that it is easier to see which way up it should go.

We had lots of fun drawing our maps.  We discussed the maps we used afterwards.

We wonder if this chicken we saw on the field would like a map to find her way home!

P2J Making Mini beast Mansions

We learned that you should only use natural materials to make a home for mini beasts because plastic and other litter might harm them.

Mini beasts like to hide so we made sure there were lots of places to hide in the homes we built them.

We needed to be careful where we built our mini beast mansions because if they are not hidden then they might get spoilt when people are playing on the field.




We camouflaged them so they could not be seen easily.


Mini beasts like dark places so we made sure there were dark places in our mini beast mansions.


We had lots of fun making our mini beast mansions.

P2J Outdoor Learning

We measured and cut out our view finders using cereal boxes.

We used our view finders to draw a landscape scene outside.

We drew landscapes using the charcoal we had made by burning the wood we had collected on our bonfire.

We worked with a partner.

P2J Outdoor Learning

We have learned that dry wood burns best.  We were very pleased we had collected our wood before the February break!

We put the smallest sticks at the bottom and then built the fire with bigger sticks.

We stayed safe by standing well back behind our circle.

We used the skewers we had made and soaked in water (so they wouldn’t burn) to toast our bread and marshmallows.