Still Celebrating Food 30/10/16

What better than a Friday Roll and Sausage at Carrigans?
Soupy Sacks on their way home.

And  we`re still not finished celebrating Scottish Food here at St Elizabeth's. Richard Campbell, manager at Carrigans and Jack in P1`s dad, arranged for all P1 Pals to visit a restaurant, meet the staff and enjoy the social occasion of a meal together. Everyone ,including staff, had a great time with many thanks Richard and Carrigans for this super treat.

Pictured are P5/6 ,wearing Pink for Breast Cancer Day and holding up their Soupy Sacks  to take home for the weekend. Everyone in the school and nursery was invited to chose a turnip,carrot,potato,stock cube and wooden spoon for their Soupy Sack then to apply all they had learned this Food Festival Week whist making  soup at home. Thank you to all children and families who have sent us “delicious pictures and comments”…what a talented bunch of chefs. Hope you all enjoyed cooking and eating together.

Big Book Thanks To Waterstones and Costa Coffee 26/10/16

Many Booky Thanks Costa Coffee and Waterstones Booksellers.

On Wednesday Mrs Burns and her Costa Coffee Shop Manager Karen, presented the school with a selection of novels to add to the Reading Frenzy building up within the school and at home. Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister, has set every Scottish  child from P4-7 a Literacy  Reading Challenge to record their reading journey in a Reading Passport. She has published  her chosen Best 100 Books for inspiration. And guess what we are holding?  A selection of them, from Enid Blyton to a story about Missing Crayons .Thank you Karen and Mrs Burns .We cant wait to get started. Hope you`re keeping up this Reading Habit at home as everyone makes a point to Pick Up A Book.




Our Fabulous Food Festival Ends

What a week  we`ve had of fantastic  food ,fun and of course Health and Wellbeing learning opportunities .The Scottish Government has put the Health and Wellbeing of Scotland as a top priority and St Elizabeth`s  has certainly made a very positive contribution. Sara from RHET(Royal Highland Educational Trust) spent the whole of Tuesday helping all the Senior children make soup and savoury scones. She even stayed after school to  show staff how to make mincemeat. Meanwhile  Linda and Gail from Warburtons talked to P3 and P4 about the history of bread and let the children make their own sandwich creation and gave each of them a loaf to create with  at home. On Wednesday P1/2 and P2/3 learned so much about Scottish Seafood from Sheila of Seafood Scotland .You should ask them about a John Dory and the new tastes they tried. Senior children were introduced to Jennifer from Quality Meat Scotland on Thursday with smells of Scottish Lamb wafting through the school. Popping in and out of classes on the same day was Glen from Park Dairy Farm in Auldhouse with a box of cow photos and milking udders!!And we are not finished yet. Tomorrow all our P1s will visit Carrigans for a special treat courtesy of Jack`s dad Richard. Then to round off this Festival of Food, everyone will go home with a Soup Sack containing a Scottish carrot,turnip,leek,potato ,stock cube and wooden spoon.Weekend homework….make some family soup and enjoy.If you have time, it would be great if you and your child  could share your Soupy Time with the school.A drawing,written recipe,reflection,a photograph and /or an e-mail to would be just great.Thanks to everyone involved and to Mr Maccera, a World Champion Pizza Maker, who has promised to make some healthy pizzas with some special children on Tuesday coming…see Twitter for more pictures and comments.
P7 Prepare the Soup
P7 Help P1 Create Spooky Sandwiches
Learning About Bread in P4 with Warburtons in Preparation for their Pieces.
Some P5 children volunteered to help the Nursery make Spooky Pieces too.
Sunshine Room with P6 Children Making Even More Spooky Sandwiches.
P5/6 Representative About To Mix Up Scottish Lamb.
Glen from Park Farm Kits up his P1/2 Apprentice.

Let The Food Festival Begin 24/10/16

St Elizabeth`s Annual Food Festival began with a large delivery of 6 Bread Baskets of free Warburtons  Breads and a very big thank you to Mrs Laura McLaughlin for being the Courier Service. Any ideas on how we can make use of this produce before the end of the week? P7 has already devised all sorts of Super Snacks from Spooky Sandwiches to Cheesy Recliners .If you have any thoughts please just let us know using the school e-mail address and/or School Diaries.

Asda `s Kimberley and Bernadette arrived next laden  with  natural yoghurt and a large selection of diced fruits like mango and kiwi for every pupil to devise their own Yummy Yoghurt. Ask your child about their creation and maybe you could even try making some healthy yoghurt   at home too. Again if you are able to do so, please share some comments and/or pictures with us.

Thanks Mrs McLaughlin and Warburtons too.
P7 thinking about their fruity choices
Big Thank You To Asda.





Tomorrow there`s another very full day of food skills ,tasting and fun using mainly  Scottish Produce. Thank you Warburtons, Mrs McLaughlin and Asda for all your support today.




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