Our Joseph Stars 25/2/17

Well done to Iona O` Brien  P6, Stevey Walker P5 , Niamh Gray P5 and Emily Gunn  P1, who all performed at today`s  Joseph and The  Dreamcoat  Gillybean Show in Hamilton College…….. and they were  superstars. Go. Go Joseph`s Girls !

Joseph's brothers become jealous of his coat, annoyed by his dreams and decide to sell him into slavery. (Genesis 37:1-10)




P6 Go Programming 24/2/17

Today Primary Six were again visited by Digi-Scotland to practise the IT skills and knowledge, learned from their last visit and to move onto more advanced technological programs. And here they are in action….

With a little help from the Experts.
Setting up a Driving Route already pre-programmed into the models using Laptop Programming.
With Team Building,Demonstration and Tactic Talk !!

Primary 4 “Discover The Kingdom of God. ” 23/2/17

Smiling like in ” God`s Kingdom “
The Bible is the way to God`s Kingdom.P4 found these “Kingdom Words and Objects” both in the Bible and in their School Yard.

This afternoon P4 read the part of Matthew` s Gospel telling them that”…. the Kingdom  of God is close at hand……” After some discussion about  where this Kingdom may be ,P4 located “Earth Words” from their Bibles then went outside to find objects mentioned like trees,earth,water etc.These were gathered into small cups ,brought back into class  and used as a reminder that good actions do make any kingdom God-like. Here they are in action  smiling after doing all sorts of kind actions in their classroom..  Primary 4 children are preparing  for The Sacrament of The Eucharist.

Book Week

All children received a letter today (Tuesday) about Book Week and Fairtrade Fortnight.

Thursday 2nd March is World Book Day and all children are invited to come to school dressed as a book character that day. Later on that day  parents and friends are invited to the school from 1.30pm – 2.30pm to enjoy a coffee, cake and some reading time.

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