All posts by H. stlizps

Christmas Fair and Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Fair last week in any way.  We raised approximately £1,600 which is just marvellous.  Well done and a huge thank you to our Community Partnership for organising such a great afternoon.

Blue ticket 685 is the lucky winner of the hamper!!

Our Christmas Coffee Morning on Sun 6th Dec in Our Lady and St Anne’s Church hall was a great success and we raised approximately £380.  Again, a huge thank you to our Community Partnership, parishioners, families, children and staff who supported this.

Coffee Morning

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to our St Andrew’s Day Coffee Morning in any way today.  There was a fantastic response this morning and we all enjoyed seeing our classes and individual children perform for us.  Keep an eye out for the total amount raised, all of which will go to St Andrew’s Hospice.