All posts by H. stlizps

Christmas Fayre – Fri 1st Dec

Please come along and enjoy our Christmas Fayre on Fri 1st Dec from 3-5pm.  Our children can come to school that day in their own clothes or wearing something Christmassy ie jumper, tinsel, socks,,etc.  Looking forward to seeing you!



Congratulations Mrs Emmett

Congratulations to Mrs Emmett who  received a prestigious award last week for the work she has done around the topic of Learning for Sustainability.  Mrs Emmett undertook a huge amount of work and commitment for this and we are delighted for her.  Well done that girl!


Breakfast Club

We are trialling a Breakfast Club on the following 5 days….

Mon 8th May,  Fri 12th May,  Mon 15th May, Fri 19th May and Mon 22nd May.

It will run from 8.20am on these mornings and the children will be charged 20p.  Cereal, jam sandwich, milk and water will be available for the children.   Children need to be at school for 8.40am if they wish to have their breakfast.

Our parents from the Community Partnership have very kindly offered to help run this for us during our trial period and all children are very welcome.

P7 Team Building Day

Our P7 children are off to Holy Cross on Friday for a transition Team Building Day.  This is another event for our children to help them become more familiar with Holy Cross and the new children they will be joining with in August.

School Time Clubs

We have several clubs running at various times throughout the school day.  These clubs are open to every child.

Reading Club                            Every day at playtime

Art Club                                       Every Monday at lunchtime

Chess Club                                 Every Tuesday at lunchtime

Homework Club                    Every Tuesday at playtime and

every Wednesday at lunchtime

Guitar Club                               Every Fri at lunchtime