St Elizabeth`s Gnome Visits NASA 18th April 2017

Many visitors leave our school with a St Elizabeth`s Gnome painted by the children themselves and many let us see where our little Gnomes lands up. NASA is the latest Gnome Destination, posted by Brian O`Sullivan who is an eminent scientist with a very special role in 2018 James Webster Space Telescope Mission . He grew up locally and popped into St Elizabeth`s a few months ago to add his support to our Science and Technology  Programmes. Please read his e-mail below and click onto the bbc site where you`ll be amazed at the company our wee Gnome is keeping !!
WOW !!…. and thanks Brian
Brian`s  E-mail sent from NASA.
“Recently the St Elizabeth’s Gnome and I were at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland USA (hence the spelling of “center”) for some testing of the Mid InfraRed Instrument on the James Webb Space Telescope. The testing was very successful.
Next steps will be off to Huston in Texas at the beginning of May for further testing at very cold temperatures.
I managed to get a photo of the Gnome just outside the clean room with the telescope in the background. This could be the last opportunity to see the telescope clearly before it gets launched.