Ending Term 3 31/3/17

Take a look below and see how we finished off another Term in busy,fun,proud and  challenging ways. Happy Easter Everyone.

Friday Club Hunting Eggs and Socialising
Eddie from Pathfinders Charity collecting bottle tops, stamps and batteries to recycle and fund dog training for the visually impaired. Well done to the Nursery and Eva from P3.
Parkcor Team and Friends after an exhausting training session.
A P4 Passover with bitter herbs,lamb,unleavened bread and apple juice. These children are preparing for their First Communion in May.
Past and Present Burns Masters at the Lanarkshire Finals. Molly Owens S1 and Evie P5/6.
In the middle,Islah McWatt P5/6 the overall Recitation Winner across all age ranges in Lanarkshire. Good luck Islah in the Scottish Finals in May.