Sacramental Boys and Girls Go On Retreat 10th May 2016

The sun shone as the children from P4, who are receiving the Eucharist for the first time on Saturday, set out for the Holy Family Centre in Mossend.There we embarked upon a day of prayer, preparation and play with the help of   Nicky, Stephanie  and Linda.

In the Centre we learned about the importance of the Eucharist in the Mass,St Clare whose story featured a Monstrance and through meditation we imagined  ourselves in the biblical story about The Loaves and The Fishes.

During our visit to Holy Family Church next door, we revisited all the important features of a Catholic Church and then concluded the day with a very peaceful Prayer Service in the Centre`s Oratory.

With only a few days to go before the children receive their First  Holy Communion ,this Retreat could not have been more apt. Thank you to everyone who helped us on this special day and please keep us all in your prayers.

What a beautiful Church Holy Family is.
And it wasn`t a whole day of prayer !!