The Sutton Trust (January 2021) Learning in Lockdown
This research brief, authored by Rebecca Montacute and Carl Cullinane, looks at the situation for pupils at the beginning of the second period of school closures. The report also looks at how the impacts of the pandemic on education and social mobility can be minimised.
Direct access from Education Scotland to key information on COVID-19 mitigation for education authority staff, leaders of schools and early learning and childcare settings, and highlights any changes to guidance:
Education Scotland: key information on COVID-19 mitigation for education
Socioeconomic disparities
Socioeconomic disparities in school absenteeism after the first wave of COVID-19 school closures in Scotland (January 2021)
Edward Sosu and Markus Klein, University of Strathclyde School of Education
Post-Covid abesenteeism brief – University of Strathclyde
Responses to remote learning, ideas around blended learning, getting to grips with digital tools and supporting pupils.
Education Scotland – Supporting remote learning (January 2021) To enhance and complement the work practitioners, schools and local authorities are already undertaking, the following link provides access to a range of support on remote learning from national organisations:
Education Scotland: Supporting remote learning
Education Scotland has also set up a section within the National Improvement Hub called Practitioner support for online remote learning (November 2020)
Available here:
National Improvement Hub: Global responses to remote learning and leadership of teams during COVID-19
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has gathered information from around the world on the education response to Covid-19. You’ll find analysis from education experts about responses to the crisis, lessons learned from implementing response strategies in different contexts, and resources for educators, policy makers and learners.,6X7HZ,LB1XGF,RTS2Q,1
Education Scotland (National Improvement Hub) Assessment – what is working well? (May 2020)
Education Scotland (National Improvement Hub) Assessment in the Broad General Education 20/21 (June 2020)
Teacher Leadership in the Aftermath of a Pandemic: The Now, The Dance, The Transformation: