All posts by Mrs Brownlie

Welcome to our school’s online Professional Development Learning Resource


November 2023

A new page headed ‘Assessment and Moderation’ has been created and a link to the West Partnership Assessment and Moderation Roadmap and Toolkit, which was created in partnership with South Lanarkshire Council, has been added.

October 2023

Links to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Reports into Poverty in the UK and in Scotland, published in 2023, have been added to the Poverty-Related Attainment Gap page.

September 2023

The Anti-Racist Education page has been updated with a link to Education Scotland’s  Anti-Racist Curriculum Principles, entitled ‘Breaking the Mould’. The Principles have been designed to support learners, educators and leaders understand what an anti-racist curriculum can mean in practice.

June 2023

Links to the Final Report of the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment in Scotland, and Supporting Documents, can be  found on the Educational Reviews, Data and Reports page.

May 2023

A link to the All Learners in Scotland Matter report (National Discussion on Education) is available via the Educational Reviews, Data and Reports page.

Education Scotland has published its latest version of Scotland’s Equity Toolkit, an interactive learning resource to improve leadership, learning and teaching to support children and young people, their families and communities impacted by poverty. The Toolkit is available via the Inclusion, Equality & Equity page.

November 2022

A new report on Racially Motivated Bullying: Policies and Recording in Scotland’s Schools, from the Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights, is available via a link on the Anti-Racist Education page.

October 2022

The Classroom Practice and Learning and Teaching page has been updated with a link to the Estyn report on Effective approaches to
assessment that improve teaching and learning.

The Inclusion, Equality and Equity page has been updated with a link to the Scottish Government’s refreshed guidance on GIRFEC.

August 2022

A calendar of Professional Learning Activities from August 2022 onwards has been added to the in-house PLA page.

The Anti-Racist Education page has been updated with a resource list from SLIC, the Scottish Library and Information Council.

The Additional Support Needs page has been updated with a link to GTCS documentation around the Professional Standards and additional support needs of pupils.


National model of Professional Learning

Tha National Model of Professional Learning (poster)

Model of Professional Learning


“Professional learning must focus on the education professional as a learner and how this is related to and impacts upon the learning of children, young people and adults”

– National model of professional learning


(scroll down for a list of recently added links and resources)

This shared learning area has been set up to help us collate, store and share links to online educational resources and documents which might be of professional interest.

If you wish to add any links or documents you think may be of interest to colleagues, please contact Susan Brownlie (English Department) who will be happy to upload these for everyone to access. In addition, as this resource is a work in progress and is regularly updated, if you notice any links to content no longer work, please let Susan Brownlie know.

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