Colour is the visible range of the spectrum. Colour expresses mood through its warmth, coolness, strength or weakness. Colour can be balanced, harmonious, related or opposed. Colour is described by the system of primary, secondary and tertiary. Colour is described as shades, tints and hues
Bright, Dull, Strong, Vibrant, Light, Bold, Subtle, Vivid, Dark, Drab, Deep, Contrasting, Hue, Tint, Shade, Spectrum, Rainbow, Palette, Colour-schemes, Complementary, Warm, Cool, Rich, Pale, Soft, Hard, Intense, Pigment, Tinge, Wash, Glowing, Garish, Harsh, Crude, Limited, Loud, Clashing, Pastel, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Neutral, Balanced, Harmonious, Saturated, Opposite, Related, Clear, Pure, Muted, Brilliant, Symbolic, Decorative, Matching, Sombre, Subdued, Restrained, Graded, Faded, Varied, Monochromatic
Pattern is the arrangement of similar or repeated lines, shapes, forms, tones or colours. Pattern can be regular, rhythmic, or random, symmetric or asymmetric. Pattern can be natural or human created. In repeated pattern, the basic unit is a ‘motif’.
Decorative, Rhythmic, Applied, Repeating, Repetitive, Random, Varied, Regular, Simple, Complex, Natural, Man-made, Positive, Negative, Ornate, Bold, Subtle, Loose, Tight, Optical, Geometric, Mechanical, Organic, Tartan, Woven, Ornamental, Floral, Chequered, Polka Dot, Criss-Cross, Abstract, Spotted, Dashes, Linear, Circles, Squares, Triangles, Symbols, Squiggles, Splashes, Motifs, Striped, Diagonal, Random, Natural
Texture is the tactile quality of a surface – what it feels like. Texture can be represented in three dimensions. Texture can be represented in two dimensions creating the impression of a tactile surface.
Fine, Smooth, Rough, Rounded, Tactile, Feel, Touch, Soft, Hard, Coarse, Shiny, Satiny, Furry, Bumpy, Rippling, Wrinkly, Crinkly, Jagged, Scaly, Silky, Hairy, Ribbed, Grooved, Notched, Woven, Raised, Ridged, Dusty, Crumbly, Abrasive, Cracked, Velvety, Silky, Spongy, Waxy, Greasy, Spiky, Fleecy, Woolly, Crumpled, Uneven, Indented, Scratched, Scraped, Ragged, Grainy, Pitted, Metallic, Slimy, Dry, Glassy, Oily, Fluffy, Polished, Glossy, Blobby
In paintings, brushwork can be: Gestural, Rhythmic, Free, Messy, Controlled, Neat, Directional, Angular, Careful, Rapid, Swirling, Loose, Tight, Impasto
Tone is the variation of shade from dark to light. Tone can be used to define shape, form, pattern and texture. Tone can create contrast.
Light, Dark, Soft, Subtle, Strong, Contrasting, Gradual, Graded, Gradation, Sombre, Monotone, Limited, Subdued, Separate, Distinct, Indistinct, Clear, Deep, Muted, Varied, Dull, Highlight, Half-tone, Mid-tone, Shadow, Range, Even, Dramatic, Heavy, Light-Source
Mood and atmosphere is the ‘feeling’ given off by a painting or piece of work. Mood and atmosphere can be created by use of colours, subject matter, use of media, texture, shape and tone.
Happy, Sad, Depressing, Lonely, Busy, Hectic, Bustling, Serious, Gloomy, Lazy, Relaxed, Comfortable, Mysterious, Scary, Bored, Movement, Lively, Stormy, Calm, Humorous, Funny, Stillness, Creepy, Desolate, Industrious, Anxious, Hushed, Dangerous, Innocent, Haunting, Cheerful, Oppressive, Cold, Warm, Dull, Dramatic, Poverty, Derelict, Suffering, Friendly, Formal, Celebration, Party, Grief, Aggressive, Angry, Cool, Exciting, Sullen, Nervous, Sleepy, Sociable, Humble, Menacing, Luxurious, Elegant, Traditional, Surreal, Serene, Tranquil, Peaceful, Majestic
Shape defines an area in a piece of two dimensional work. Shape can be produced by the application of line, tone, colour, pattern or texture. Form is three dimensional shape, or shape in space.
Solid, Geometric, Regular, Irregular, Positive, Negative, Organic, Natural, Man-made, Hard-Edged, Distinct, Indistinct, Rounded, Circular, Oval, Triangular, Spherical, Square, Angular, Rectangular, Oblong, Oval, Cubed, Cylindrical, Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, Flat, Long, Tall, Deep, Wide, Narrow, Pointed, Bold, Elegant, Contour, Silhouette, Relief, Profile, Outline, Figure, Moulded, Cast, Deformed, Carved, Modelled, Built, Assembled, Clearly Defined, Distorted, Sharp, Concave, Convex, Hollow, Ellipse, Bulbous, Tubular, Twisted, Bent