create a piece of art and compare your work to a famous artist.
Colour is the visible range of the spectrum. Colour can express mood by being, warm or cool, strong or muted. Colour can be described by the system of primary, secondary and tertiary colours. Colours can consist of shades hues opposite harmonious and tints.
Wordbank :bright, dull, strong, bold, subtle, vivid, vibrant, light, dark, drab, deep, contrasting, hue, tint, shade, spectrum, rainbow, palette, colour scheme, complementary, warm, cool, rich, pale, soft, wash, loud, pastel, primary, secondary, tertiary. harmonious, opposite, muted, monochrome.
The basic colour wheel is a collection of 12 colors which include:
three primary
three secondary
three tertiary colours.
In design, selecting colour schemes for your project can sometimes be challenging. Learning the basics of the colour wheel and how colors relate to one another will help you create colour schemes that both make sense and are pleasing to the eye.
PRIMARY COLOURS: Red, Yellow, and Blue
SECONDARY COLOURS: Violet, Orange, and Green
These secondary colour hues are created by mixing equal parts of two primary colours together.
Red + Blue = Violet
Red + Yellow = Orange
Blue + Yellow = Green
Blue (primary) + Violet (secondary) = Blue-Violet
Red (primary) + Violet (secondary) = Red-Violet
Red (primary) + Orange (secondary) = Red-Orange
Yellow (primary) + Orange (secondary) = Yellow-Orange
Yellow (primary) + Green (secondary) = Yellow-Green
Blue (primary) + Green (secondary) = Blue-Green
