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Multiplication Primary 3 Learning At Home 2020

Lots of people working hard to understand multiplication. We started with sets and repeated addition and then went on to arrays. Learning the times tables and understanding how they relate to sets is our goal, but everyone needs to get there at their own pace.

Here is some of the work people have been doing.

 Ailsa has been drawing sets.

Adam has been counting up in 2s.

Matilda has been doing repeated addition and counting in 2s.

All of these things will help you to learn your tables. Keep them up!

Butterflies and Bees 2 Linking the Learning

I can’t wait to find out what kind of butterflies Matilda is going to have when her caterpillars change. I thought I would just remind everyone how our learning links up.  We can actually use butterflies in lots of areas of learning. Here are a few:

Lily researched and made a diagram of a butterfly life cycle at home:

Well done, Lily.

We learned about blue morpho butterflies through our Amazon topic and saw some on our Amazonia trip. This photo shows the underside.

This is the other side of the blue morpho butterfly:

People observed butterflies and drew them in Art. Chloe, Neive and Lucy drew these blue morpho butterflies:

We used butterflies to explore symmetry in maths.     


Now we can look out for butterflies here in Scotland and research the different ones we see.

Butterflies and Bees Learning At Home in April 2020

Hi Everyone,

Lots of amazing learning going on as usual and lots of wonderful achievements. It is hard to choose what to post but, since we have had such lovely weather today, I am going to start with signs of Spring.

Grace’s Bees and Birds garden started us off on a ‘nature’ theme so keep looking out for any signs of Spring and let us know what you see.

Grace’s garden

The theme has continued with Matilda being sent some caterpillars which she is going to look after until they become butterflies. Matilda’s caterpillars.

I spotted some peacock butterflies in my garden just before Matilda told us about her caterpillars.  This is a peacock butterfly:

We will need to wait to see what kind of butterflies Matilda’s caterpillars become. I can’t wait!

Ailsa and her family built a birdbox and left out some materials that robins could use to build a nest.

The bird box does have birds nesting in it, but not robins which look like this:

Ailsa’s birdbox has blue tits nesting in it. They look like this when they are fully grown:

More tomorrow.

Amazon Rainforest Mini-Keeper

In February we went on a trip to Amazonia, but unfortunately Faith couldn’t make it.

Luckily, although she couldn’t go with our class, she got to spend a day as a mini-keeper at Amazonia instead. She learned loads, had a great time and was really proud of her achievement.  Well done, Faith.


Sorry it has taken me so long to post this Faith. It was because the class computer wasn’t working too well.

Welcome Back!

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a good break and are safe and well.  Listening out for you on Thursdays at 8 o’clock. Our street is getting louder and louder each time and I can definitely hear a lot of noise from over at Maxi.

Looking forward to hearing from you through Google Classroom. Looking at the sunshine outside, this looks like a great day for outdoor learning or just relaxing.  I have spotted a couple of butterflies and huge bees even in my  very small garden. Let me know if you have spotted any signs of Spring in your garden, on a walk or in the fields if you have to drive somewhere.

This is the kind of butterfly I spotted:

Peacock Butterfly

It’s not quite as big or startling as a Blue Morpho but it’s still beautiful. Can you see how it got its name? Let me know if you spot anything interesting. Maybe you could do a mini-beast hunt of your own, but check with an adult first.  When I was your age, I accidentally dug up some prize bulbs, looking for worms for a ‘worm farm’ so always check with an adult!

Spotting butterflies is fun too. You could draw any you spot.  I will let you know about any signs of Spring I see in my garden or out of my window.

Enjoy this beautiful sunny day!


Ms Short 😺

Elkonin Boxes and Rainbows

Some more hard work from Primary 3!

Adam, Ailsa, Munro and Camilla-Belle  have been practising the ‘ai’ sound. Adam had time to make pancakes too!  See the source image


Adam hard at work.  Ailsa’s Elkonin boxes and Munro’s ‘ai’ sentence complete with rainbow!

Camilla-Belle’s Elkonin boxes for ‘ai’ words and a rainbow.


Lots of you have been practising your multiplication work.

Here are just a few things people have been doing.


Matilda has been drawing sets with puppies! Ailsa has been counting pairs of sheep! Great work, keep it up! Brilliant art work as always Primary 3!







What Have People Been Doing Today?

Lots of different things going on out there today. Here are just a few! 🌈


Grace has been making a nature corner.  She has also been practising her 2 times table and common words.  Ailsa has been drawing pictures for ‘ai’ words and reading to her little brother.

Learning at Home Can Be Fun!

Thought I would put up some of the work people have been doing in their homes. Again, no pressure to do any of it! Don’t worry if you don’t have time, but some nice ideas.  You are all so creative!  🌈


Some active spelling and numeracy work from Munro, Camilla-Belle, Matilda and Ailsa.




Google Classroom Week 1 30th March

Great to hear from people who have managed to log on to Google Classroom.  I know that many of you are still at work or trying to work from home with young children so this is not to add pressure, but just to cheer us up!

One family have named their home school so maybe other people could do the same!  The magic of technology is making mine feel like Hogwarts at the moment! Here are a few things people have been sharing. Thanks to Camilla-Belle for the rainbow and the lovely letter, to Matilda for the great Easter card and Ailsa for the beautiful rainbow unicorn and Easter story picture.