Primary 3 have been writing class, group and individual poems. We have been working on acrostic poems which have the subject of the poem written down the side so that each line of the poem has to start with a specific letter.
We worked in groups to generate ideas and then used our ideas for our poems. Everyone worked really hard and came up with some great lines for their poems.
Ailsa is leading this group and recording everyone’s ideas.
Munro is leading this group as they make up sentences for their poems.
Ethan is leading this group as they make up sentences.
All of the groups worked hard to make interesting sentences for their poems.
Neive is taking a turn to be group leader as we do ‘poetry magic’ by arranging the different sentences into poems.
Zac is leading this group in the ‘poetry magic’ as they stick down their sentences to make a poem.
Here is one of the poems from our ‘poetry magic’ lesson: