After our party we had a special visitor in our class.
Everyone had a chance to talk to Santa and then we sang him our song form the show, ‘Listen!’
After our party we had a special visitor in our class.
Everyone had a chance to talk to Santa and then we sang him our song form the show, ‘Listen!’
Primary 3 and Primary 4 had a fantastic Christmas Party on Wednesday! Here are a few pictures from the day.
Everyone arrived ready to party!
The dancing was brilliant!
Faith and Lucy were our lucky pass-the-parcel winners!
We played The Grand Old Duke of York too.
Back to class for snacks!
We had a great day!
Sometimes we have time to choose toys and activities in class. Here are some of the things Primary 3 like to play with if they are finished their work or if we are having a ‘choosing time’ as a class reward.
Everyone loved the choosing time we had after our party and Santa’s visit. Everyone played really well together.
Luke chose to read an Atlas because he loves maps.
Ailsa and Matilda built the mermaid castle. Luke helped with the mermaids too.
Craig and Stewart are choosing to play a numeracy game on the iPad.
Harris, Kenzie and Grace like the puppets and dressing up box. Thanks to Mrs Goodwin for lending her dressing up bag and fabulous puppets!
After all of our letters from Winnie the Witch, playing with the wands is very popular. Andi, Chloe, Lily and Luke play with them a lot. I think someone has been turned into a green spider in this game.
Andi, Faith, Neive, Camilla-Belle and Lucy have created a school for witches. It’s quite strict!
Jack and Munro enjoying the iPads. Faith and Lucy also like the iPads.
Jai, Ethan and Adam enjoying the iPads after our Christmas Party.
A real Christmas tree arrived today and every child in the school will make a decoration for it. With the help of parents, carers and teachers, Primary 3 made birds for the tree. We put our decorations on the tree today and it looked amazing.
Kenzie arrived the same day as the tree and today was his first day at Maxi. A big Maxwellton welcome to him.
We are learning about 2D objects in Mathematics. They are sometimes called ‘flat objects’. We are learning about circles, squares, rectangles , triangles, pentagons and hexagons. We are learning about sides, corners and right angles.
Neive and Grace are identifying corners.
We identified corners and sides in this introductory lesson.
As part of our Christmas celebrations we are thinking about people less fortunate than ourselves.
Primary 4 collected food for a local food bank as part of their Harvest topic and now they are collecting hats, scarves, gloves and socks for people who are homeless.
Matthew, Brooke, Alfie and Cameron made a collection box for our class and they check it every day. Today they were delighted because Ethan had brought in lots of parcels for their collection.
We invited parents and carers to come and help us to make Christmas Decorations for our classroom. Mrs Howie, Miss Pollock and Miss Goodwin helped too. Thank you to everyone who could make it. Your help was greatly appreciated.
Here are some of the finished decorations.
Thank you to Mrs Howie for decorating our classroom door.
The gym hall was being used so we went outside to get some fresh air and exercise. Everyone enjoyed being outside.