All posts by Miss Begg

Wk Beginning 15th June


Aloha my little sugar plums, hope you and your families are all good. This is my last week, I hope you have enjoyed all the activities as much as I have seeing all your pics and videos. It has been lovely to see all your happy, smiley faces.  Next week I will put up a blog with links for you to use during the summer if you want to.


We have something  exciting for you this week. Are you ready for our Virtual  Sports Day?

On your marks get set go!

Mrs Brown and I had a lot of fun filming this, we hope you have fun taking part.

Sports Day Instructions June 20

Sports Day Score Sheet June 20 (1)



Lego/Drawing Challenge

Make a boat that actually floats on water. Looking forward to your pics.


Biscuit Challenge- Can you move a biscuit from your forehead to your mouth without using your hands? Good luck and have fun. Pls remember if you send in videos they have to be less than 20secs long.



The wildlife trust has launched a 30 days of Wild activities. They also have a Youtube channel. Remember to click on the green to follow the link.

Going into nature helps us with our mental health. It helps us to relax and gives your mind a break from the chatter.

30 days of Wild Youtube.

Here are some activities for you to try


School Closure 2020 PE and Digital Literacy learner pack


BBC Supermovers 

P1   Fun 

P2-4 KS1 + Fun 

P5-7  KS2,1 + Fun 



Body Coach Schools 

P1 5 mins 

P2-4 8 mins and one round of School week 

P5-7 Schools 


Cosmic Yoga  


Digital Learning 

Kiddle         Child friendly search engine research topics that interest them. 

Glow  Log in to GLOW, all children should have been sent a glow log in home.  

 Send a friend an email. 

Make a SWAY on a topic of your choice. Mr Gallacher made some very good how to videos. Search Youtube Mr Gallacher to find them. 

Hour of code 


Today P2 learned the Dance of Princes today and practised Charleston Chaser. Most were able to count in 8 to keep in time with the music and managed to finish the dance as the same time as the music! Well done P2.

In the ICT suite they can use their log in cards to open the computer, they can then use the bookmarked site Kiddle to search for their own personal interest. They can maximise and minimise the screen and use the back and home buttons.


P7 used their knowledge of Kiddle and Glow to send emails to multiple recipients that included links and pictures that they copied and pasted.


In Scottish Dancing they learned The Barmkin whilst working with a partner in sets of 8. Through practice we managed to get better.