Tag Archives: Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Good Morning everyone.

We hope you are all well and managed to have some chill time during the Easter Holidays.

We managed to speak to almost all of our families last week and it was lovely to hear how everyone was doing.

As we prepare to start a very different Summer Term, the staff of Kirkton would like to applaud our children and our parents & carers too.  We know the extra worries & stresses you will be facing at times but home learning should NOT be one of them. Before we finished for the lockdown we issued all our children with home learning packs which should last for at least the next 2 weeks, although we know that this may last longer than this.

Moving forward staff will issue weekly activities which will be uploaded to the app, website as well as google classroom.

Staff have produced some additional guides which will give you an idea of some useful apps, online activities as well as things which can be done without technology.

Teachers will check in with their classes each day on google classroom, where pupils can upload their learning, share photos and be involved in discussions with their teacher.

If you are unable to access google classroom please click on this link and someone will get back to you as soon as they can.  Click here for the online form.

These are unprecedented times and we want to reassure parents that children can complete as little or as much home learning as they/you feel is manageable, please do what is right for you and your family.

If there are any questions or queries please contact us via the form above or by email either through the office or gw20slckirkton@glow.sch.uk

If we missed you last week and you would like a call, please let us know.

Stay safe and take care,

Mrs Brennan