Dear Parents & Carers
We were delighted to welcome the children back to school after the Spring break and we look forward to a very busy and exciting summer term for all classes.
OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) Parent Presentation
We are pleased to be hosting a parent presentation from Simon Knight from OPAL on Wednesday 3rd May from 2.15 to 3pm in the school. Simon will talk about the benefits of outdoor play and learning and share the HK journey so far. I am sure you will find it most interesting and as always, we value your opinion and suggestions for the development of our school grounds. Please come along and feel free to bring younger children. Tea and coffee will be served.
Launch of Outdoor Classroom and Forest Story House
The children were so delighted to see the outdoor classroom and Forest Story House built ahead of schedule and finished for their return to school. So far, the children have been using it for a variety of imaginative and creative play and we look forward to developing these areas over the next few weeks. We are very excited to be able to share these two new structures as well as all of our other playground developments with our HK families on Wednesday 3rd May at 3.05 to 4.00pm. Tea, coffee and treats for all will be served. Please so come along!
Participatory Budget Parent Group
It is that time of year again that we require some parent & carer volunteers to be part of our Participatory Budget Group. Education resources at South Lanarkshire Council have confirmed their commitment to a process of ‘Participatory Budgeting’. This method allows all stakeholders to take part in spending decisions regarding the Pupil Equity Funding. The Pupil Equity Fund (PEF) supports children and families to provide the best possible opportunities for learning. It helps the school support children who experience barriers to learning and who might be falling behind or not getting the same chances in their education because of poverty or other financial difficulties. We are given a percentage of our PEF budget to spend on improving our learner’s education. We require pupils and parents to come up with ideas on how to spend the money. Pupils and parents then vote for their priority. The priority with the most votes will be funded. The last two years have been spent on the outdoor classroom and Forest Story House.
If you would like to participate and have a say in what we decide to spend the money on for the next school session, then please email me. The meeting will take place on Wednesday 10th May at 9.15am and should take no more than 45 minutes.
Our PTC meetings are now much better attended, and we are very grateful to our new members for joining. The dates for the next PTC meetings are:
Tuesday 16th May at 3.05 – 3.45pm in the school hall.
Tuesday 30th May will be the AGM meeting in the hybrid model at 7pm.
We are continuing to look for volunteers to help in any way they can to support our Summer Fayre on Friday 2nd June and the Shorts ‘n’ Shades disco on Thursday 15th June. Please contact the school if you are able to help to set up and prepare for the event or help, supervise or man a stall.
Waterproof and Outdoor Clothing Survey.
The PTC have volunteered to make a contribution towards purchasing a supply of outdoor and waterproof clothing to keep in the school building. We encourage our children to play in all weathers unless there is a weather warning. Even in the summer term it can still be rainy and muddy so please ensure your children have appropriate clothing in school for this. If you require any support with this matter, then please contact the school. The link to the outdoor clothing survey form is available on twitter.
HK Pop Up Uniform Shop
Our pop-up uniform shop continues to be used by families. We have a selection of new and pre-loved uniforms in very good condition available to families who need them at no cost. Please take what you need when you need it. You will find it in the foyer at the main entrance. If you have any unused uniforms that are in very good condition, then we would gladly accept them.
Kids Kitchen
Room 7 have started their sessions with Chef Roberto on a Wednesday afternoon. They have thoroughly enjoyed each one so far and we look forward to welcoming parents to their final session. Details for this will follow in due course.
P1 Rhyme Time
We would like to invite parents, carers and families to come along to our Primary 1 Rhyme Time with the children session on Tuesday 9th May at 2.15pm to 2.45pm. The more the merrier. Mrs O’Sullivan (DHT) will lead with a lovely story.
Stage Photos
Primary 1 to 7 and nursery class stage photos have been taken by students from South Lanarkshire College on Wednesday 26th April. Samples will be displayed at the parent consultation afternoon and evening to pre-order. We will take a second order at the Summer Fayre. The cost of each photograph will be £5. The photograph will be displayed in a professional black mount and will be delivered in a clear presentation bag.
Kilbryde Hospice Sunflower Walk
On Friday 5th May the whole school and nursery will take part in the Sunflower Walk to support Kilbryde Hospice. This will be within the school grounds.
The Hospice mascot, Hope, will come along to visit the school on 5th May to cheer us on and for some photo opportunities. If they wish to, children can wear something yellow or gold during their walk. e.g., sunglasses, a hat or a summery top. This payment item is live on parent pay just now.
Every child from the nursery will complete 2 laps of the playground and every pupil from the school will complete 4 laps of the playground for the walk. Everyone who takes part in the Sunflower Walk shall receive a medal and a certificate from the Hospice.
The PTC have asked if families can donate any preloved teddy bears on this day. They will then be washed, cleaned and sold at the summer fayre. Any teddy donated will enter the child into a raffle to win a prize.
We are very keen to continue to support Kilbryde Hospice for the amazing work which they do in East Kilbride Community.
King’s Coronation Street Party
Our fabulous Primary 7 pupils are busy working behind the scenes preparing a spectacular street party for the whole school on Friday 5th May. We are all looking forward to a fun day. Further details will follow from Primary 7.
Playground Supervision before 9am
A gentle reminder to parents that there is no playground supervision in the morning until 8.45am as this is when support staff begin their day. Mrs Summers and Mrs Gardiner are in school early to supervise breakfast club duties only in the lunch hall. We are aware that some children are being dropped off before 8.30am and are not attending breakfast club. These children are in the playground unsupervised at this point. Thank you for your cooperation.
Diary Dates
Inset day. Children do not attend school.
R7 Kids Kitchen
*Launch of our new outdoor classroom – Outdoor play and Learning presentation with Simon Knight from OPAL at 2.15pm in the hall followed by the official launch of our outdoor spaces at 3.05pm* All welcome!
P5 swimming
P5 Bikeability
Sunflower walk in school
King’s Coronation Street party organised by Primary 7.
P1 Family Rhyme Time at 2.15pm
P5 Bikeability at 3.05pm
Parent & Carer Participatory Budget Group meeting at 9.15am
EK Track and Field event for P6 & P7
PTC meeting from 3 to 4pm in the hall
P6 Bikeablilty begins 3.05pm
Phonics parent workshop for current and new Primary 1 parents and carers
Room 2 library visit
HK Outdoor Learning Day and Community Litter Pick event
Calderglen High School Primary 7 information evening
P5 to P7 football league to play at K Park pitches with Mr Wilson.
Primary 7 French Café visit at Calderglen High School
Dog’s Trust assembly and class workshops
Love Autism workshop at Blacklaw Primary School for parents and carers at 9.30am
Dog’s Trust workshops
Parent Consultation appointments
P6 Bikeability
Summer Fayre raffle tickets sent home to parents.
Parent Consultation appointments
The date for the next blog will be Friday 12th May 2023.
Finally, I would like to thank you for your continued support.
Kind Regards
Mrs French
Acting Head Teacher