Friday Check In!

Gooooood Morning Room 13 & Happy Friday!

First things first… leave me a comment on today’s blog to check in with me and everyone in Room 13! 

A quick Hi or Hello would be great from everyone… or let me know what you have been up to this week!  Remember to remind everyone by spreading the word that we are checking in again today!

Second of all… I have to say a huge well done to everyone who has completed my 5K Challenge.  You should be so proud of completing this, I have asked Mrs McGarvey to share this with everyone on Twitter (without the emojis covering your lovely smiley faces!)


So proud of each and every one of you staying so healthy and active at home!

I have added some of the amazing work you guys have done this week and honestly I am blown away by your amazing efforts during this lock down.  You are all working so hard, balancing lots of school work with amazing creative and active tasks too!  You guys are doing so so well… so keep up the amazing effort!



I’ve been sent some amazing recipes to try so will need to get myself to the shops to buy some ingredients to give these a go.

See the source image

Answer Sheets for this weeks work are uploaded below!

Maths Answer Sheet    (All groups and Stonelaw exercises)

Equivalent Fractions (Page 2)

Nouns & Verbs (Stars and Planets)

Nouns & Verbs (Suns)

USA Comprehension Answers (Stars)

USA Comprehension Answers (Planets)

USA Comprehension Answers (Suns)

Missing all of you so so much, but honestly could not be more proud of everything you are managing to do at home.

Stay happy, healthy and safe and make sure you are looking after one another.

Have an amazing weekend everybody and I will speak to you on Monday.

Miss M x

20 thoughts on “Friday Check In!”

  1. Morning Miss McKinnon and room 13, just to let you know am doing well. I am enjoying staying very active with going on bike rides,dog walks, playing football and playing on my trampoline. Hope you all have a nice weekend stay safe.

    1. Morning Stephen!
      Thanks for checking in. Looks like you have been doing loads to stay active this week, well done!
      Have a great weekend and will speak to you on Monday.
      Miss M 🙂

  2. Good Morning everyone Katie here. Hope you are all well. I have been busy this week and have enjoyed having a sleepover with my big sister. I have also enjoyed the activity challenges this week especially the one where I jumped over a teddy. Keep safe and hope to see you all sometime soon.

    stay safe and healthy AND HAVE FUN

    Katie Inglis

    1. Morning Katie, thanks for checking in 🙂
      Fantastic to hear you enjoyed this weeks activities and are having lots of fun with your sister.
      Have a lovely weekend and will speak on Monday.
      Miss M x

    1. Good Morning Hollie, thanks for checking in this morning!
      I am very well thank you for asking. I did Joe Wicks this morning and spending the rest of the day working through a little bit of school work and then will be taking Nyla out on a big long walk this evening.
      How are you? Have you had a good week?
      Have a lovely weekend and will catch up on Monday.
      Miss M x

  3. Hi miss McKinnon and everyone I’m great been mostly out for walks and in the garden with my sister , my parents and my dog had a great week and hope everyone is keeping well and safe.

    Miss you loads everyone hopefully this will be gone soon

    From Hollie xxx 👍🏻

  4. Hi I have started couch to 5k and got on the Rutherglen reformer for doing camping “with the scouts.”

    From Kieran Swallow.

    1. Morning Kieran, lovely to hear from you.
      That sounds like a fantastic idea! I am also trying my best to do lots to keep me active just now. Let me know how you get on with the couch to 5K… might give that a go myself!
      Have a lovely weekend and will catch up on Monday.
      Miss M 🙂

  5. Miss McKinnon I can’t see the photos on the blog so is it ok if you can send me some pictures threw mail

    Hollie x

    1. Hollie you should be able to see the photos on the blog now. Not sure why it keeps doing that… very annoying!

    1. Morning Lennox, hope you are well!
      Thank you for sending over pictures of your amazing work this week… keep it up.
      Have a great weekend and will speak on Monday.
      Miss M x

    1. Hi Sam, lovely to hear from you!
      Great work, keep it up and let me know when you have completed it.
      Have a great weekend.
      Miss M ☺️

    1. Morning Kyle, lovely to hear from you thank you for checking in!
      I know I am really really sad that we aren’t going to Lockerbie too 🙁
      Have a look at some of the activities for this week and hopefull you will enjoy them. Try and send over some photos of you trying these activities this week!
      Hope you are all keeping well at home.
      Speak soon, Miss M 🙂

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