Weekly Work: 23.3.2020

Happy Monday Room 13… and welcome to your first week of online learning!

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Please make sure you have read Blog Posts 1 and 2, which I posted yesterday.  This will explain how I would like you to complete work each week.  You will also find, on Blog Post 1, a copy of the Weekly Timetable Template .  Please make sure you use this each week, to plan out which tasks you will complete each day.

I would suggest trying to watch Newsround each morning before you get going with your activities.

Maths Activities:

  • Sumdog
  • Study Ladder
  • One column of your Learn Its
  • Big Maths Beat That
  • Hit The Button
  • Create your own game to practice all your times tables

Spelling Activities:

Spelling focus can be found by clicking on this link: Spelling 23.3.20

Try to create at least 10 words for each step.

  1. Pyramid Writing
  2. Rainbow Writing
  3. Backwards Writing
  4. Complex Sentences
  5. Create your own strategy to practice your spelling words.

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Writing Activities:

  • Complete your sci-fi story by logging into Glow and typing it on a Word Document.
  • Create a diary where you record what you do and how you feel each day.
  • Write me a letter about your time in Room 13 so far.


  1. If you haven’t already, read up to the end of ‘The Maiden Voyage’ chapter of The Explorer.
  2. READ READ READ – Keep going with your class novel or choose a personal reader to read at home.

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  • Copy and paste the YouTube link below into your search bar.  Joe Wicks is doing a PE lesson every Monday which would be great for you to try!
  • https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
  • Outdoor fitness – create 5 stations and do each stations for 2 minutes.
  • Ball skills – practice throwing and catching or keep ups in the garden (I know which I will be practising!)


  1. Create your own PowerPoint Presentation – you might want to choose a different president this time!
  2. Research a USA law which is different to the UK.
  3. Create a poster about USA gun laws.

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  • Newsround – try to watch this everyday and then take the quiz at the end of the week.
  • Create a poster about general hygiene.
  • Do two tasks around the house to help your parents / carers
  • Emotional Check In – create a HWB chart to record how you are feeling each day (remember to ask others in your houe how they are feeling too!)

SO! That is loads of activities for you to choose from.  Remember you do not need to complete all of these… these are just suggestions to help you structure your week.  If you come up with any amazing new ideas / games then let me know and I will post them for the class next week! Finally remember to send me over photos of your amazing work and I will share them with the rest of the class!

I will be online each day to answer any questions and remember to log on to the blog on Tuesday at 10am for our first ‘Tuesday Challenge!’

Stay Safe x

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Miss M 🙂

19 thoughts on “Weekly Work: 23.3.2020”

      1. Hi Hollie, I’ve not handed out an emotional check in sheet. I would encourage you to try and make your own! x
        If you log into Glow you should be able to access all the Microsoft programmes such as Word and PowerPoint. If you can’t open it up, you could make a poster instead.
        Miss M x

    1. Hi Fergus, rainbow writing is where you write out each spelling word, using a different colour for each letter.
      If you search ‘hit the button’ into Google and click on the first link, Hit The Button lets you practice lots of different maths skills!
      Thanks, Miss M

  1. I forgot my passwords and usernames for Sumdog and
    Studyladder if you have time could you please tell me them.


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