Homework due 4th October

Welcome back Room 13!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely September weekend! I can’t wait to hear all about it!

Homework for this week is due on Friday 4th October.

Spelling – Spelling words to be written out three times in your neatest handwriting.

Please ALSO select five words from your spelling list and complete EITHER rainbow writing or pyramid writing.

Spelling words should be written in your homework jotter, however, they can also be found in the link below:

Spelling words 1st October

Maths – Please complete 15 minutes of Sumdog activities (any activities of your choice).  If you cannot access Sumdog please practice your 6 and 8 times tables with a parent / guardian and have them write a comment in your homework diary to confirm this has been done.

Image result for STEM clipart

We will be starting our STEM model building NEXT week.  This is not a required piece of homework, however, please keep your eyes peeled for anything at home that you may want to use.  Recycled materials such as cardboard boxes are going to be perfect!  Please start bringing any materials you have, into class this week.  Remember the more you have… the easier it will be to build!


Busy week ahead with our STEM projects well under way and another trip up to Stonelaw, with the Primary 7’s, for their sports festival.

Looking forward to a great week with you all!

Miss M 🙂

Homework due WEDNESDAY 25th September

Happy Monday Room 13!

The September weekend means we won’t be in school on Friday, therefore homework will be due in on Wednesday 25th September.

Only two tasks to be completed though!

See the source image

Maths: There is a set task for you to complete on Sumdog this week.  You are focusing on your 4 and 6 times tables.  Please let me know by Tuesday if you cannot access this.

STEM: Each of you will have a copy of the ‘STEM Home Energy Survey’ which was handed out in class.  Please complete this at home, on the worksheet and return to class on Wednesday morning.  It is really important that you bring this with you, as you will be analysing the results, with your group, in class, on Wednesday.  The survey worksheet will also be submitted as part of your project, so please complete it as neatly as possible!

I will upload a copy of the survey to the blog in case anyone misplaces it.


Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to another great week!

Miss M 🙂

Committee Reps for Room 13!

It’s been an extremely busy time in Room 13… lots of roles to be filled for the year ahead.

With that being said, I am delighted to announce the class representatives for P6/7:

Pupil Council – Ruby

Sports Committee – Kyle

Reading Ambassador – Stella

I have no doubt that these pupils will be fantastic representatives for Room 13 and we wish them luck for the year ahead.

Well done guys!

Miss M 🙂

Homework Due Friday 20th September

Happy Monday Room 13!

Spelling words will be created in class on Monday morning and then copied into homework jotters.

  1. Write out each word three times (neatest handwriting and try to join all your letters!)
  2. Write a sentence which includes each of your spelling words (either separate sentences for each word OR try to challenge yourself and create sentences using more than one of your spelling words).

Suns – ‘A Very Best Friend’, read up to page 19.  Bullet point 5 key points of information and then use these to write a brief SUMMARY of what has happened so far.

Planets – ‘Foul Play’, read up to page 16 and write a SUMMARY of what has happened so far.

Stars – ‘Blasts from the past’, read up to page 16 and write five bullet points, picking out some of the MAIN EVENTS that have happened so far.

Each maths group has been set two tasks to complete on Study Ladder.  Let me know, in class, once you have completed this and I will leave a comment to let you know I’ve seen it.

**************************************************************************Exciting week ahead with our STEM trip to Stonelaw (P6 and P7) on Tuesday and the Lockerbie Information Evening (P7 only) on Wednesday.  If P7 pupils are available, they are encouraged to come along to the information evening also.

Let’s have a great week!

Miss M 🙂

Homework Due Friday 13th September

Happy Monday Room 13!

Spelling-Homework-9.9.19 (1)

Circles smile multiplication

Squares 1d x 3d multiplication

Homework for this week is detailed below, spelling lists and maths worksheets are attached above (green links).

Spelling – Spelling words for each group are listed clearly in the document attached.   Please only focus on the spelling words for your group!  Write out each word three times (neatest handwriting please!).  Can you also select three words (perhaps the words you find most challenging) and complete EITHER the rainbow writing or pyramid writing activity.  If you can’t remember what these are, please ask me in class and I will explain them again. Remember to title and date your work.

Maths – Triangles and Rectangles please complete one sumdog and one study ladder activity which focuses on addition this week.  Please have a parent / guardian sign your homework diary to confirm this has been done.

Squares – Please complete the one digit x three digit multiplication worksheet IN YOUR JOTTER.  Remember to title and date your work.

Circles – Please complete the smile multiplication worksheet IN YOUR JOTTER, using the same layout as we have been using in the classroom.  Remember to title and date your work.

Reading books will be given out this week, however we will be starting these in class.  Each book is numbered and will be assigned one per pupil.  Every pupil is responsible for their own book and must ensure they bring it to class everyday.  Reading homework will begin next week.

Looking forward to another great week.

Miss M 🙂



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