Week Beg: 11th March 2019

Monday: 2pm-3pm – We continue our ‘Grandbuddies’ project at Rosaburn Care Home.


Tuesday: 9.30am – Muddy fun continues at ‘Forest Adventures’ with Julie.


Wednesday: Our local librarian is coming in today to do some book bug sessions with the children at 11.30am and 2.30pm… All parents/carers are invited along too!!! Image result for BOOK BUG


Wednesday and Friday:  RED NOSE DAY!!!   Image result for COMIC RELIEF 2019

– There will be a bake sale taking place in the main foyer each day to raise money for comic relief… Please come along and buy some yummy cakes!!!

– We are also having a ‘WEAR IT RED DAY’ on both days… children are encouraged to wear something red and make a donation to comic relief!!!

 *Any donations of home baking would be greatly appreciated*  


*Thank you so much to our parents; Donna, Laura and Kirsty  who came in on World Book Day to read stories to our children. Also thank you to everyone for dressing in their pyjamas and bringing their favourite stories to share with us… Everyone had a lovely day*


Saturday 16th: Garden Tidy Day – All children and their families are invited along from 10am-2pm to help us tidy our garden and get it ready for the Spring! There will be some activities available to keep the children interested and busy and we also be having a fun Easter Egg hunt… EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!

Image result for garden clip art


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