Week Beginning 16/12/19


Childsmile will be in today at 9.30am and 1.30pm top do toothbrushing with the children

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Christmas Parties will be taking place on Wednesday 18th December throughout the normal nursery sessions. Santa will be visiting the playrooms at 11.30am and 3.30pm, you are very welcome to come along at these times to see your child meeting Santa!!!

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Children who are Term Time only will finish nursery at 2pm on Friday 20th December and will return on Monday 6th January 2020*

Christmas Closure Dates
Nursery will be closed to all children on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th December and also Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd January
*If your child has a 50/52 week contract but you are planning on keeping them off over the Christmas holidays, can you please let us know, this helps us staff for the children that will be here*
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Thank you so much to everyone who came along to our Christmas Fayre. It was a lovely afternoon and a great way to kick off the Christmas Festivities. Thank you so much to all the staff and parents who helped us organise and donated home baking and prizes.

In total we raised £1,200 which will go towards buying some new resources for the playrooms!!!

Image result for christmas thank you

Curriculum Evening

Thank you to everyone who came along to our curriculum evening in November. It was lovely to have a chance to chat to some of you outwith nursery time and we really enjoyed showing off all of the exciting projects and initiatives going on in Ballerup at the moment!!!