Week Beginning 4th March ’19…

Tuesday: 9.30am – Lots of muddy fun to be had at Forest adventures with Julie and Jessica!!!


Tuesday: 2.30pm – OurĀ  ‘Grandbuddies’ project continues at Rosaburn Care home!!!


Wednesday: 11.15am – 3-5’s book bug session… All parents/carers are welcome to come along and join in.


Wednesday: The lending library will also be available for your child to choose a book to take home and enjoy together!!!


Thursday: WORLD BOOK DAY – To celebrate world book day we are having a ‘Jammy Day’; children can come to nursery wearing their pyjamas and bring their favourite book along to share with their friends.

We would also love volunteers to come along and read some stories to small groups of children… If you would be interested in this please speak to Tammy, Amanda or Kerry.


*Can you please ensure your child has a bag in nursery with spare clothes, we are running low on our spare supply*



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