Week Beginning 25th Feb ’19.

Good morning, we hope you all had a lovely weekend. Here’s what’s happening at Ballerup this week..

Monday: Between 2pm-3pm Angela and Kerry will be taking a group of pre-school children to Rosaburn Care Home as part of our ‘Grandbuddies’ project.


Tuesday: A new block of ‘Forest Adventures’ starts with Julie today. The new group of children is listed on the playroom window… Have fun everyone!!!


Wednesday: Remember the lending library takes place every Wednesday in the sensory room, please feel free to come with your child/ren and choose a book to enjoy together at home.


*Thank you so much to all of the children, parents and carers who took part in our ‘Litter Pick’ on Friday. It was lovely to see so many people helping to tidy up our forest area and I’m sure you will agree your children did an amazing job!!! Also a big Well Done to our ‘Eco Coordinator’: Nicolle for organising such a successful event!!!*




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