Nursery Home Learning…

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel” (Carl. W. Buehner)

One of the best things I’ve read about self-isolation and social distancing is to pretend it’s like Christmas; Cuddle up, read books, bake, watch TV, play games and enjoy family time. Here are some ideas you might like to try if you get stuck for ideas or want to try something new:

Image result for spring is in the air

Go for a Spring walk (This is currently okay, but please follow current government guidance).

What are the signs of spring? What might you see? Have a checklist and tick when you see something on your list. Why not take photos of some Spring flowers and draw or paint pictures when you get home.

You could  also make a nature bracelet by putting sticky tape on a strip of paper and stick things from your walk on it, then when its full turn it into a bracelet.



Image result for playdough


Playing with Playdough is so beneficial for your child. If your interested in reading more please visit 

Why not try to make your own? – measuring, counting and all the language you use is amazing! Too wet? Add more flour. Too dry? Add more water. And if it’s a disaster? Then it’s an experiment! What could you do differently the next time? 

You will need:

  • 8 Tablespoons plain flour
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 60ml water
  • food colouring
  • 1 tablespoon veg oil


  1. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl mix together the water, a few drops of food colouring and the oil;
  2. Pour the coloured water into the flour mix and bring together with a spoon;
  3.  Dust a work surface with a little flour and turn out the dough. Knead together for a few minutes to form a smooth, pliable dough. If you want a more intense colour you can work in a few extra drops of colouring;
  4. Store in a plastic bag in the fridge to keep it fresh.


I like to move it. move it!!!

The body coach – P.E with Joe – Join Joe at 9.30am daily on his Youtube live feed for a live home workout designed to keep children active!!!

Fancy something a little less energetic? Cosmic yoga is fantastic and has lots of fun themes to help children relax and be mindful.


Movies are an education:

Be a movie reviewer:-

  • What is a title?
  • What are the characters called?
  • What was the problem in the movie?
  • How did they solve it?
  • What part did you like best?
  • Why not draw your favourite scene from the movie?

Some film ideas:-

Inside out – feelings/emotions

Finding Nemo – Being brave/courageous

Toy story – Loyalty and friendship, growing up

BFG – Family and not to judge on appearances

Moana – Follow your heart, face your fears

Brave – Family, courage, being in charge of your own destiny

Babe – Believe in your abilities and don’t be afraid to try new things

Lion King – love, friendship, facing your fears and it being ok in the end


I am the music man

Image result for music man clipart

  • Paint or draw different music – fast, slow, classical, rock etc;
  • What instrument can you hear?
  • Make your own instruments – shaker, guitar, pan pipes etc;
  • Play along to your favourite songs;
  • Can you play quietly, loudly, quickly slowly.


Image result for i can cook

There are many great healthy recipes on this website for you to have fun cooking with your children at home…


Art Attack

Image result for art clipart

There are lots of lovely ideas on these sites:


Nursery rhymes/Literacy:

  • Alphabet game – find or draw something which begins with each letter of the alphabet;
  • I spy with my little eye:
  • Rhyming – i hear with my little ear;
  • Nursery rhymes – TWINKL has free resources eg: nursery rhyme activity cards;
  • Singing nursery rhymes – how many do you know? Can you learn one a week? or One a day?
  • Read, Read, Read together. Children can read to you, you can read to them. So can older siblings. Cbeebies bedtime stories are also a great free resources for when you need some new books/inspiration.

Number and Maths

  • Ten in a bed – read or watch the story. Put 10 toys on the couch or the bed and  act out the rhyme;
  • 5 currant buns – draw or bake some cakes and act out the rhyme;
  • 5 little ducks – use toys to act out the rhyme;
  • Help set the table – how many knives, forks and spoons do you need?
  • Cook and bake together – measuring and counting
  • Sort socks into pairs
  • Can you find  something in this room that is a circle, square etc;
  • Put food colouring in some water. Pour into different containers. Which holds the most/least etc.

We hope this gives you some lovely ideas to keep your children busy and entertained and we hope you all keep safe and well during this period!



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