The month of November is moving so quickly!

Lots happening in our classes this week….

Primary 1a and b have been learning all about being safe. P1a created super sparkler pictures. Primary 1a and b have also been busy making their Christmas crafts. Nativity Practice has started and they have been working hard learning their songs. In numeracy the focus remains on number bonds.

Primary 2 have been using rhyming words to create an acrostic poem about Winter. They sued their sense to discuss what they see, hear, feel, taste and smell. They have also been learning about the layout of the Bible and the new and old testament. They will be reading some Bible stories next week.

Primary 3 developed their knowledge of recount writing as well as mental strategies for addition. They have also been working hard learning about the life of David Livingstone and comparing their life to his.

P3/4 discussed the feast of All Saints specifically looking at the Apostles. In writing they were developing an imaginative piece focusing on the use of adjectives and connectives. P4 have been developing their calculations using rounding and P3 estimation on a number line. Christmas craft making and nativity rehearsals all underway.

The P4 class have been making super crafts this week for the fayre. They also visited the new technologies suite carrying out research on the Roman Gods. In preparation for their visit to Scotland Street school they have been learning about schools in Victorian Times.

P5 study the process to become a saint this week and started to research the saint of their choice. They also learned about Remembrance Day and its origin creating wonderful paintings inspired by Van Gogh’s Field of Poppies.

P6 had a fantastic trip to the cinema on Monday to see Coco. They made excellent contributions to their class discussion about mental health and how this can be affected by their circumstances. They then wrote super film reviews with many giving Coco 5 stars! They have enjoyed using the old school log books this week to discover the history of our school.

P7 also watched the film Coco as part of the Into Film festival. In their discussions after the film they discussed dementia and how is affects family and friends. This extended to a visit from Alzheimer Scotland and the whole class became Dementia Friends with an extended knowledge of this condition.


In the nursery this week our children began their visits to Aberglen Nursing Home. Some children visited in the morning and some in the afternoon. The children were superb and engaged well with the residents. This week’s activity was portrait drawing. What beautiful pieces of art work they brought back. In the nursery the children have been enjoying out focus on nursery rhymes.


A busy week past and a busy week to come. Please make sure you have read our latest newsletter published this week with some very important dates. This Friday is our Christmas Fayre. Please come along and join us from 3pm for some Festive Fun.


Many thanks for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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