Our nursery is Very Good!

This week we welcomed Isabella Sempie from the Care Inspectorate to our nursery. Our inspector spent two days with us speaking with children and staff and observing the fantastic opportunities our youngest children have. I am delighted to inform you that our nursery, in this inspection, has been given Very Good grades for the elements of Care and Support and the Enivronment. The whole nursery team are delighted and very proud of this report. We are delighted that the work to enhance our nursery environment has been recognised. Our nursery now has the grades of Very Good for all four elements. We look forward to continuing to enhance our nursery next year as we further expand to deliver full time places for more children.

Many thanks to our families for your generous donations for our Christmas Fayre raffle on Friday. Please save the date of Friday 16th November for our annual Fayre.

Our whole school walked to church on Thursday to celebrate All Saints day. We had a great number of parents and grandparents helping us to walk safely to and from the church. Once again the behaviour and participation of our pupils was exemplary!

We have finally finished our technologies suite – the final part of our new building. My thanks to Miss Prentice for organising all our IT equipment, parents for assisting in unpacking boxes and Mrs Reilly who did a ‘big shop’ on Friday to fill our cupboards with all the basics! The children from school and nursery will start to access this super resource this week and will be out and about buying their supplies to develop their cooking skills.


In the classes ….

Primary 1a and 1b have been learning about the sounds ‘m’ and ‘r’ and also sentences. They have been learning number stories 2 and 3 and made fantastic pumpkin collages and spooky hallowe’en biscuits.

Primary 2 have been learning about recount writing this week. They constructed an email to Hamilton Foodbank inviting them in to tell them more about their charity.

Primary 3 have been focusing on addition in numeracy. They have also been creating bar graphs. They have also been learning about the history of Hallowe’en and the importance of All Saints Day.

P3/4 have continued their study of the Romans. They can now describe different types of houses. P4 have been developing their estimation skills and P3 have been doing vertical addition.

P4 have been embracing Hallowe’en and used their senses to describe a haunted house. They have been practising Spanish greetings and been learning about Victorian schools.

P5 have been learning about Dia de los Muertos and how it is celebrated in Mexico. They created their own Dia de los Muertos inspired skulls. They have been learning the Angelus prayer and created their own Angelus bells. They have continued to learn about the impact of deforestation on wildlife in the Rainforests of the world.

P6 have been very creative this week. They completed some fabulous WWI remembrance art. They have been learning about Dia de los Muertos in preparation for their cinema trip to see Coco as part of in the Into Film festival. They have almost finished their WWI letters and worked hard to include ambitious vocabulary.

P7 have been using the standard written method for subtraction to 5 digits and calculators to 9 digits. In literacy they were understanding the use of active and passive verbs. They have continued their exploration of the psalms and started to understand contemplative prayer. They have started to explore the Scottish Independence debate.


In the nursery…

In addition to our Care Inspector this week the boys and girls had a number of visitors. We welcomed two new members of staff Mrs Ciciala and Mrs Adam. We hope both ladies enjoy working in our nursery.  On Thursday we welcomed Kevin the postman. He spoke about how he delivers the mail. Some children also went out on Thursday to visit our local dentist. They learned all about cavities and the best time to clean your teeth. Our Snowflake group went to Bookbug on Tuesday also. This week we are starting our work with Aberglen Nursing home. Some children will visit the home this week to get to know the residents.


What a busy time! We also started our preparations for Christmas during assembly on Tuesday.


Many thanks for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher


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