Thanks to Mr Cahill, one of our parents, who kindly came into school as part of our Eco Day of action yesterday and spoke to every pupil in the school at the two assemblies about the importance of keeping the water cycle going. We all learned lots. Thank you!
Here is the link to the Scottish Water website that he showed us where you can take the water cycle pledge and play robopoop!
Well, Science & Engineering Week is now at an end. We rounded things off today with a fabulous last day. P5b made state changing slime with the p2s. Dr Lesley Bolanos was back in school working with the P6s on the bacteria experiments they started last week. Today Susan Stanford and her band of helpers rounded off their work with the p6s and P3s, so that they have worked their science magic with all of the classes in the school. Mr O’Connor the P7s, P5s and P4b to tell them all about his long and varied career in engineering including working on some very cool gadgets. Mr Pike was also in to show the P1s and P3s about the work he has been doing in the construction of the new southside hospital. Mr McNeill was back in school, having been in all of last Friday, as he enjoyed himself so much he wanted to meet all of the the classes he missed out on last time. And Colin and I also carried out our Vandergraph demonstrations.
I hope you all enjoyed science week and you all enjoyed your science homework this week. If you learned as many new things as I did this week then it’s all been worthwhile!
Thank you very much to all of our volunteers who have shared their expertise and love of science and engineering.
Today Mrs Stanford held science experiment workshops with the P5s and P7s and demonstrations with P4s and P1s. Mark Cosgrove was in school from BAE Systems telling the p4s, P5s and P6s all about building a £9billion aircraft carrier. Mrs Harrison ran Ice Alien workshops for the P2s and also the second Pet Pebble workshop for the P1s. Colin and I then got a loan of a Vandergraph Generator and we held short workshops on electricity with P3, P5, P6 & P6a.
Hope everyone enjoyed. One more day of our epic science and engineering week to go tomorrow.
Another great day of science today. We again had Susan Stanford and Mrs Pike in school carrying out science experiments with the P3s, p5b and p1b. Mrs Harrison held ‘Bubble, Bubble’ workshops with all the p4s. Tom McKenna, from Clyde FC, was in school to work with P6s and P7s on Sports Science. The P7s had Enterprise Invention Challenges and Ian Govan was in to speak to the P6s and P2s about his role in shipbuilding.