All posts by Mr Bamford

Head Teacher’s Welcome

Head Teacher’s Message

At Hallside Primary School we take pride in working together to provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment for all our children. We work hard to ensure that learning is challenging, enjoyable and relevant. Visitors to the school will be impressed by our welcoming and nurturing ethos and our hardworking courteous children and young people.

I am very proud and privileged to be the Head Teacher of Hallside Primary School and I look forward to working in partnership with you to inspire learners, transform learning and strengthen our school community.

Mrs Susanne Sandilands

Head Teacher

When We Work Together At Hallside, Everything Is Within Our REACH.


Respect.   Excellence.   Active.   Confidence.   Honesty.

Blog Website

We hope to have a new version of the school website up and running this session.  We will still post copies of the school newsletters and parent council meetings here, however, for up to date information, photographs and reminders, please follow @hallsideprimary on twitter.

If you have requested to follow @hallsideprimary and not yet been approved, please contact the school office on 0141 641 3289 and leave details of your name and your twitter @ name.  Thanks.

Upcoming Diary Dates

Abernethy Residential Parent/carer Meeting 2pm:   Mon 29th Feb

Abernethy Residential Trip for P7s:                   Mon 21st -Thu 24th Mar

School Closes for Easter Weekend 3pm:          Thu 24th Mar

School Closed for Easter Weekend:          Fri 25th -Mon 28th Mar

School reopens following Easter Weekend:   Tue 29th Mar

Parents’ Night:                                                              Thu 31st Mar

Pupils Council Talent Show:                                   Fri 1st Apr

School Closes for Spring Break 2:30pm:                    Fri 1st Apr

School Reopens for Term 4:                                           Mon 18th Apr

Menu Changes

Due to the Mid-Term break this weekend, some of the kitchen’s normal deliveries will be disrupted, therefore the following changes to the menu are required next week:

Wednesday 11th February will now be  Pizza or Turkey Meatballs

Thursday 12th February will now be Chicken Curry or Cheese Toastie

Friday 13th February will be the normal menu of Fish & Chips or Lasagne

Sorry for any inconvenience.