Whiteness Primary 6/7

Love Learning Love Life

January 17, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Home Learning 17.01.24

Good morning P5/6/7, another snow day! I hope you are all well and have managed to get out and enjoy the snow. Here are some activities for you to have a go at.


Symmetry – have a look at the bbc pages to explore symmetry.

Lines of symmetry – Maths – Learning with BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize

Can you work out which snowflakes are real and which one in a snowfake?

Snowflake or Snowfake?

Have a go at drawing/designing your own symmetrical snowflake. You could also try and make a symmetrical  snow angel/ picture in the snow!

A close-up of a Snowflake


Spelling – Click on the link for your spelling group. Practise your words in a way that suits you e.g. rainbow spelling, sentences, spelling training etc.





Spelling Activities

Spelling Training


Can you find an interesting fact about snowflakes?

snow – Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help

SNOWFLAKES – Dr Binocs | Best Learning Videos For Kids | Dr Binocs | Peekaboo Kidz (youtube.com)

Spend some time playing in the snow, can you build a snow sculpture?


Have fun! If you have any questions or pictures you want to send, then you can email me – Ellie.Macleod@Shetland.gov.uk


January 16, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Home Learning 16.01.24

Good morning P5/6/7. Here are some activities for you to have a go at, just complete what you can manage.


Can you remember the four different types of triangles?

Create a poster, drawing the different types and their properties. You could use this link to help you.

What are the different types of triangle? – BBC Bitesize

Types of Triangles


Reading – Spend some time reading a book of your choice. Can you create some questions for somebody else who might read the book.

You could create your questions about the

  • Main Character
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Setting
  • Prediction
  • Other Characters


Take some time to do some mindfulness drawing or colouring. It is Up-Helly-Aa season! Try following these videos to help you draw a viking and a galley boat.

How to Draw a Viking Ship
How to Draw a Viking

I hope you all have a lovely day, if you have any questions or pictures you want to send then you can email me – Ellie.Macleod@Shetland.gov.uk



January 15, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Home Learning 15.01.24

Good morning P5/6/7, I hope you all stay safe and cosy. Here are some activities for you to have a go at.


We have been using our knowledge of 2D shape and 3D objects to identify them within the environment. Can you find different objects within your house and identify the shape and its properties?

You could draw a picture and label the shape or have a go at making a table to show the shape properties.

You could create your own digital 3D design using tinkercad. https://www.tinkercad.com/joinclass/K2QNIG4BG


We have been learning to write different types of poems thinking about appealing to our readers senses and including similes and metaphors. Have a go at creating your own Winter acrostic poem.









Think carefully about description.

Can you think of any other words related to winter that you could create an acrostic poem for?



Wrap up warm and spend some time outside playing or going for a wintry walk. Think about your 5 senses what can you…






November 3, 2023
by Miss Macleod

Term 1

In term 1 we had lots of fun taking part in learning activities and experiments as part of our ‘Make it Work’ topic! Here are some pictures of what we got up to.

September 25, 2023
by Miss Macleod

Home Learning

Homework and Home Learning

Please complete the form about what play means to you and return it in your childs homework folder/jotter.

  • The homework pack/jotter sent home includes extra activities to be completed at home due to non-teaching staff strikes. If you have any questions then please e-mail me at – Ellie.Macleod@shetland.gov.uk
  • This can all be returned on Monday 2nd October so that gives a bit of extra time to complete everything.
  • There is a choice of two ‘Make It Work‘ tasks at the bottom of this post. Children can choose which task they would like to complete.


  • Spelling – Complete the spelling work sheet for your group. Practise your spelling words using a spelling activity of your choice – have a look at your homework grid for ideas.
  • Reading – Read a book of your choice for 30 minutes each day and complete the reading detective task from your pack.


  • Place Value worksheet
  • Time worksheet
  • Time poster task – There is a sheet about time which might help you to create your poster.

Topic – Make It Work





September 5, 2023
by Miss Macleod

STEM Topic

As part of our topic ‘Make it Work’ we had to work in our home teams to complete a drawing challenge but we only had one pen! We watched a video and then attached string to the pen. We had to work together to complete different drawing tasks. This was a challenge as we had to communicate and work together to move the pen.

August 27, 2023
by Miss Macleod


Primary 7’s have enjoyed getting to know their primary 1 buddies this week. We went outside and completed a number 2 scavenger hunt. We then used our treasure to create pictures!


August 27, 2023
by Miss Macleod

Class Charter

We have explored the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and have used some of the most relevant Articles to help us form our class charter. We will all follow this to ensure our class is a happy, safe and friendly learning environment. We decided to make a pompom animals to represent ourselves. We persevered and in the end all successfully made a pompom!

August 27, 2023
by Miss Macleod

Week 1

Welcome back Primary 5/6/7. We have had a super start to the new term with lots of exciting learning already taking place.

Please remember that we have Art on a Monday and Music on Wednesdays. PE will be on a Wednesday and Thursday, with swimming on a Tuesday during term 1. We will also be completing the daily mile.

Homework will go home on a Tuesday, please could you make sure this comes back for the following Monday.

We can’t wait to take more of our learning outside and to use our fantastic new polytunnels so please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing with them for all weather.

We have started our class novel for this term ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ and have made our predictions about the empty chair and what we think is going to happen in the story.

Our topic this term is ‘Make it Work’ and we can’t wait to work as part of a group to take part in lots of STEM challenges that we have come up with!

May 22, 2023
by Miss Macleod


We have been enjoying using technology with our buddies. P7 have been teaching P1 how to use Microsoft word to create posters and how to code games.


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